UNCLASSIFIED Mary Nash Food Engineering Services Team DoD Combat Feeding Directorate Research & Development Associates Fall Forum October 2010 Natick Specifications Update
UNCLASSIFIED Overview Food Packet, Modular Operational Ration Enhancement (MORE) Meal, Ready-to-Eat™ (MRE™) 32 Unitized Group Ration-Express™ (UGR-E™) Unitized Group Ration-Heat & Serve™ (UGR-H&S™) Medical Diet Supplement Specifications Update
UNCLASSIFIED Food Packet, MORE Document New Approved Document: Transitioned to DLA Troop Support – Subsistence July 2010 ACR-F-002A Food Packet, Modular Operational Ration Enhancement (MORE), Assembly Requirements - Type I – High Altitude MORE
UNCLASSIFIED Meal, Ready-to-Eat™ (MRE™) 32 Documents New Approved Product Documents: Transitioned to DLA Troop Support – Subsistence July/October PCR-R-008B Ranger Bar Banana Nut Ranger Bar - PCR-A-009C Snack Bread, Fortified Multigrain Snack Bread - PCR-A- 005 Asian Style Beef Strips with Vegetables - PCR-M-016 Mexican Style Chicken Stew - PCR-P-048 Potatoes, Au Gratin - PKG&QAP A-A-20195D W/Change 01 Snack Foods Tortilla-type Filled Crackers, Jalapeno Cheddar - PKG&QAP A-A-20177E W/Change 02 Candy and Chocolate Confections Pan coated candy, Disks, Fruit flavored, Sour ACR-M-032 MRE™ Assembly Requirements: Transition to DLA Troop Support – Subsistence 1QFY11
UNCLASSIFIED Unitized Group Ration – Express™ Documents New Approved Documents: Transitioned to DLA Troop Support – Subsistence September/October 2010 PCR-E-0017A Egg Mix, Pasteurized, Uncooked, Dehydrated, Packaged in a Boil-In-Bag (BIB) MIL-DTL-32235A Heater Module, General Specification For Detail Specification Sheet, Heater Module, Type I: Heater, Assembly Required Detail Specification Sheet, Heater Module, Type II: Heater, Assembled Detail Specification Sheet, Heater Module, Boil-In-Bag (BIB) Module PKG&QAP for MIL-DTL-32235A and Applicable Specification Sheets New Document Actions: Unitized Group Ration-Express™, Assembly Requirements - Document Coordination 1QFY11; Transition to DLA Troop Support – Subsistence 2QFY11 Product Documents to be Coordinated: 1QFY11 PCR-O-007 Oatmeal o Apple cinnamon PCR-C-024B W/Change Cakes and Brownies o Golden harvest cake with white icing o Vanilla cake with strawberry fruit topping o Chocolate cherry cake with cherry fruit topping Product Documents to be Coordinated: 1QFY11 PCR-O-007 Oatmeal o Apple cinnamon PCR-C-024B W/Change Cakes and Brownies o Golden harvest cake with white icing o Vanilla cake with strawberry fruit topping o Chocolate cherry cake with cherry fruit topping
UNCLASSIFIED FY12 Unitized Group Ration – Heat & Serve™ (UGR-H&S™) New Document Actions UGR-H&S™ Documents - Limited First Article (LFA) Production Test Drafts transitioned to DLA Troop Support March 2010: PCR-R-014 Rib Shaped Turkey Patties in Golden Barbecue Sauce PCR-V-009 Vegetarian Chili PCR-O-007 Oatmeal (Apple cinnamon) PCR-C-024B W/Change Cakes and Brownies (Golden harvest cake w/white icing; Vanilla cake w/strawberry fruit topping; Chocolate cherry cake w/cherry fruit topping) - LFA Production Test Conducted July/October 2010 (except PCR-R-014*) - Coordination of PCR-T-013A Turkey Tetrazzini, PKG&QAP A-A-20097F Hot Sauce (sweet and spicy), and LFA Production Tested Item Documents (except PCR-R-014*) 1QFY11 - Transition Product Documents and ACR-U-11 Unitized Group Ration™ Assembly Requirements to DLA Troop Support 2QFY11 *PCR-R-014 is delayed pending LFA production testing FY11
UNCLASSIFIED Medical Diet Supplement Document ACR-M-002A Medical Diet Supplement, Assembly Requirements - Document Coordination and Transition to DLA Troop Support – Subsistence FY11