2011 ACRH Annual Meeting
ACRH 2011 Year in Review Lori LaConta Past President
Review 2011 Objectives New Website Increase Membership Deliver Quality Programs Build Partnerships Stable Finances
New Website Launched
Membership 2002 to 2011
Survey Results - Members 54 Responses
Programs ACRH Chapter Meeting: How to Develop a Mediation Practice, ACRH and EEOC at Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Advanced Mediator Skills Seminar and ACRH Chapter Meeting: A Special Evening with Kenneth Cloke, ACRH Chapter Meeting: Mediator Ethics: Up Close and Personal, The World of Conflict Management Coaching: Exploring What it Means for Mediators and Their Businesses, ACRH Chapter Meeting: The Business and Practice of Elder Mediation,
Developing a Mediation Practice Dick Myers ACRH Chapter Meeting, How to Develop a Mediation Practice Dick Myers, Small Business Consultants Developing a website to promote business Enhancing internet marketing
Workplace ADR Joe Bontke and Jennifer Ortiz, EEOC ACRH and EEOC at Thurgood Marshall Law School, How Mediation Effectively Addresses Workplace Conflict and Resolves Disputes”- Joe Bontke, Jennifer Ortiz, Lori LaConta Workplace Conflict Employment ADR EEOC Houston's ADR Program success
Advanced Training with Kenneth Cloke Exploring internal and external “frontiers of conflict resolution” Identify and implement techniques for dealing with mediations that fall apart disastrously Creating more opportunities for mediations to come together miraculously ACRH and the Harris County Dispute Resolution Center Advanced Mediator Skills Training,
A Special Evening with Kenneth Cloke ACRH Chapter Meeting Dinner, Our responsibility as global citizens for the environmental, social, economic and political conflicts occurring around us.
Mediator Ethics with John Kenyon ACRH Chapter Meeting, Mediator Ethics Workshop: Close and Personal “Why I Mediate”: Practicing Mediation beyond codes of conduct
Mediator Ethics with John Kenyon ACRH Chapter Meeting, Mediator Ethics Workshop: Close and Personal
ACRH’s First Webinar!: Conflict Coaching with Pattie Porter ACRH Webinar, “The World of Conflict Management Coaching: Exploring What it Means for Mediators and Their Businesses” Pattie Porter, LCSW, Conflict Connections, Inc. Educating mediators about the coaching world, defining both coaching principles and a conflict coaching model Mediators learned various ways conflict coaching can be utilized as a resource in their mediation practices Explore what it means to become a conflict coach to expand their business services
Elder Mediation with Barbara Manousso ACRH Chapter Meeting, “The Business and Practice of Elder Mediation” Barbara Manousso, PhD, Manousso Mediation
Survey Results – Programs
Review 2011 Objectives New Website Increase Membership Deliver Quality Programs Build Partnerships Stable Finances
ACRH 2012 – Where Next? John Kenyon President
A professional organization dedicated to the practice and public understanding of conflict resolution Mission Statement
Put Ourselves into Stressful Situations Deal with Difficult Issues Help People Not at Their Best Often For No Money Little Appreciation Practice
Programs Partners Presence Building Our Organization Membership Vision
Programs What events?
Survey Results - Topics
Survey Results - Format
Survey Results – Day/Time Preference
Most important factor – Topic / Speaker Survey Results Programs were very good. Would like to see more next year....especially the advanced mediator trainings. Kenneth Cloke presentation was fantastic William UryJennifer Kresge - brain science Being able to get CEUsFree dinner meetings Programs …last few years are of little interest to me as my practice is oriented to business, real estate and HR disputes Offer a makeup/video session Announce programs further in advance How to make contacts for expanding one's services
Programs Your Board can put on events to provide Advanced Skills Training Certification, CLEs, CPUs Networking & Mentoring You can help Coordinating one event Maintaining our calendar Programs
Partners Which Partners? Partners Texas Association of Mediators Conference Woodlands 25 th & 25 th Feb International Ombudsman Association Houston 13 th to 18 th April
Partners A. A. White Dispute Resolution Center Partners Frank Evans Center for Conflict Resolution Texas Bar ADR Section Houston Bar ADR Section Association of Attorney Mediators Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service Dispute Resolution Centers Labor Employment Relations Association Society for Human Resource Management Equal Employment Opportunities Commission Institute for Sustainable Peace Houston Association for Marriage and Family Therapy National Association for Community Mediation Better Business Bureau Texas Association of Mediators International Ombudsman Association
Partners Your Board can build partnerships by Strengthening existing contacts Scheduling joint programs Developing shared objectives You can help by Becoming our contact Building the data-base Developing materials Partners
Presence $ 400 Billion GDP 6 Million People 2.5 Million Employees 250 Thousand Companies
Presence Your Board can increase our presence by Spending money on our Web capability Developing a marketing strategy Planning events for Conflict Resolution day You can help by Generating content for Website Articles for our members Information for the public Blogging Presence
Building Our Organization Programs Partners Presence Membership
2012 Objectives Increased Web Presence Working Partnerships Marketing Strategy Effective Organization Quality Programs
2012 Objectives Increased Web Presence Working Partnerships Marketing Strategy Effective Organization Quality Programs Vision Increased Web Presence Working Partnerships Marketing Strategy Effective Organization Quality Programs
A professional organization dedicated to the practice and public understanding of conflict resolution Mission Statement Our mission is what we do best every day
Vision Statement ? Our vision is what the future looks like
2011 ACRH Annual Meeting Many thanks!