shift summary ZHU Chengguang
Class 1: ACR shifts - Shifts in ATLAS Control Room and Tier-0/ADC shifts at Point-1. units :shifts – weekend and night shifts, weight: 1.31 weekdays weight: 0.66 Class 2: Other shifts - satellite control rooms, computing shifts, remote shifts, on-call shifts. units :shifts Class 3: Expert operation tasks - Operation tasks involving experts on systems, data preparation, computing, software. units :FTE
Operation Tasks are defined by the Project Leaders and Activity Coordinators. Institutions should contribute to each of the three classes according to their OT share. Activities of one class cannot be freely substituted for activities of another class. Each Institution can contribute to the Class 1 and Class 2 shifts of any sub-system/activity – Wait for the “shift call” and answer the call by specifying how much your Institution wants to contribute and what class of contribution (Class 1 or Class 2). – Contact directly the person(s) without waiting for the “shift call” . This is the recommended option if your Institution intends to contribute to a sub-system/activity or general shifts in which it did not previously participate. – individuals committed to do ACR shifts in 2011 should perform at least 21 shifts in the course of 2011
2010 class 1 China : 完成 211 , 155% 任务: 136 Sdu : 7.5 , 37% USTC : 6 , 30% IHEP : 4.75 , 24% NJU : 1.75 , 8% – FENG CUNFENG12.00 – WANG JIN – ZHAN ZHICHAO22 – ZHU CHENG GUANG % – SHAN LIANYOU37.63 – LU FENG % – YU JIE20.00 – QI MING % – LI SHU – ZHANG DONGLIANG %
2010 class 2 China : 完成 323 , 87% 任务: 372 SDU : 7.5 , 37% USTC : 6 , 30% IHEP : 4.75 , 24% NJU : 1.75 , 8% – HAN LIANG8.00 – LIU MINGHUI7.50 – LIU YANWEN47.00 – WU YUSHENG % – YUAN LI14.00 – LU FENG20.00 – SHAN LIANYOU % – – YU JIE % – ZHU CHENG GUANG2.00 – LI BO 1.50 – CHEN LIMING %
Authors M&O f-M&O OT 2011: – Sdu : 6.75 , USTC : 8.25 , IHEP : 5.5 , NJU : 2.5 – Total : Class1 : 97 , class2 : 433 , class3 : 6.1 – Per person : class1 : 5 , class2 : : – Sdu : 7.5 , USTC : 6 , IHEP : 4.75 , NJU : 1.75 – Class1 : 136 , class2 : 372 , class3 :
summary 2010 , good work in class1 and 2, Yujie and NJU did good work 2011, class 1: 5 per person, class2: 20 per person Do remote data quality shift. /OtpShiftClasses