AscendSMS 4/15/2017 Teacher Guide Teacher Guide
Welcome to AscendSMS Congratulations on choosing AscendSMS, we look forward to working with you! Please feel free to contact us early and often! We love feedback and supporting our AscendSMS schools! SMS help request: click on the icon when logged in Email: Phone: 513-682-5054
Table of Contents Logging In AscendSMS Screen Layout Banner Main Tool Bar Help Resources Secure Area Students Edit My Profile Set My Schedule Change Password Log Out Content Welcome Screen Dashboard Attendance Tab Attendance Reports Report by Student Lunch Assignments Tab Add Assignment Exception Codes Class Performance Copy Assignment Edit Assignment Auto Adjust Delete Assignment Add Assignment Category Missing Assignments Grade Book Weighted Average Download Report Homework Tab H. Student Tab eClassroom Tab Home Tab Students Effort Snapshot Bulk Email Time Sheet (ACR) My Schedule Comments Tab Subject Report Comments Academic Comments Personal Comments / Infractions Interim Comments Interim Report (Homeroom Only) Progress Report Grade Report Interim Process Grade Card Process
Logging In Navigate to Typically: AscendSMS 4/15/2017 Logging In Navigate to Typically: Login Id: FLastname Password: Lastname Suggestion: Create a bookmark for this page! Teacher Guide
AscendSMS Screen Layout The AscendSMS Screen Layout consists of four areas: Banner – displays on all AscendSMS screens Main Tool Bar – displays on all AscendSMS screens Secure – displays on all AscendSMS screens Content – displays content based on selection
Banner On All Screens Across the top displays your school logo together with your school name and address. Your school logo is hyperlinked to your school website. Clicking on the ASCENDSMS logo takes you to your Dashboard for the grade selected..
On All Screens Main Tool Bar The tabs on the blue tabbed main toolbar vary based upon user-id type and available content. The quantity and type of tabs displayed will be different depending on the account type Each tab may have sub menus The viewing dropdown allows you to effortlessly switch between different classes. Account Types Admin Accounts admin schooladmin principal rtiadmin auctionadmin cafeadmin instpecial teacher student Parent
On All Screens Help Resources The question mark icon allows you to: Access our online resource library (shown on next slide.) Submit a help request, which is emailed to your school’s ACE as well as AscendSMS support staff.
Help Resources Our online resource library contains video tutorials, help guides, and a helpful Tips and Trick blogs.
On All Screens Secure Area The left hand side displays the SECURE AREA , which describes the current date, term, and user login information These secure area options also appear on every screen: Students Edit My Profile Set My Schedule Change Password Logout
Students The students screen contains links to build and view interim, progress and grade reports. Note: You must first select a class to view for this link to be active. Three ways to get to the Students Screen. Medical Alert Icons Popup appears when you hover over the icon Life Threatening Monitoring Informative The icons will pulsate for three days after they are entered to alert you of newly entered alerts. You can also export students to an Excel spreadsheet and print the entire homeroom class of interim reports.
Edit My Profile It is important to complete your profile, as much of the information is included on your eClassroom page. Note: Your home address and phone number are not included on your eClassroom page!
Set My Schedule When you set your schedule, parents can better plan when needing to take their student to appointments. Click Apply to all terms if your schedule remains constant throughout the school year.
Change Password To change your password, type in your old password, then your new password twice.
Logout Logout immediately logs you out of AscendSMS and opens up the login screen for when you return.
Welcome Screen If a teacher has more than one classroom, the Welcome Screen displays after login. (For teachers with only one class, the Dashboard displays after login. From the Welcome Screen you can: Post Homework Take Attendance (if you are a Homeroom Teacher) Selecting a class from the drop down takes you to the Dashboard for that class.
Dashboard Once you select a class to view, the Dashboard for that class is displayed. The Dashboard contains links to build and view interim, progress and grade reports. Three ways to get to the Dashboard Clicking the student account icon allows you to log in as the student. Clicking the parent account icon allows you to log in as the parent. Below the listing of students is the listing of assignments you have entered. Clicking on the missing assignments icon will display which student is missing which student
When Logged in as Student/Parent When you log in as a student or parent using the links on the dashboard, click on the Login as Teacher links to logout of the account you are in and return to the teacher ID.
Attendance Tab Only homeroom teachers can take attendance. Attendance may be recorded from two different links. After logging into your account, a quick link to attendance may be found on your screen if you teach more than one class. If you only teach one class, or when a class has already been selected to view, Attendance can be launched from the main tool bar. Only homeroom teachers have an attendance tab.
Attendance Either method will bring you to your homeroom’s class list. Mark the students who are absent or tardy for the day. After selecting save: Your record will be received by the office to be coded by the schooladmin. If your school has a daily lunch program, the daily lunch order screen will appear next.
Daily Lunch Order Mark the lunch selections by: Selecting the quantity drop down to apply to all students. You can then uncheck those few not getting that selection. Selecting the checkbox (to indicate a single serving. Selecting the quantity drop down. After selecting save: A confirmation message appears An order saved message appears. Your record will be received by the cafeteria staff.
Assignments Tab Clicking on the Assignments from the main tool bar tab brings up the Assignments Screen. A listing of all assignments for that class is displayed. Filter by term/subject Quick links Sort and search Class Performance Copy/Edit/Delete
Add Assignment Once you have graded the majority of assignments, it’s time then to record them in AscendSMS. From Assignments Screen, Click Add Assignment
Add Assignment Complete the required * fields. After saving you will be taken to your class list and the newly created assignment is ready for data entry.
Enter the students’ grades on the grade sheet. Remember to save. Add Assignment In order to save, either a numeric value or an exception code (Absent, Excused, Incomplete, Pending) must be entered in the Earned Points field for ALL students. An error message displays if any Earned Points field is empty. Exception Codes discussed on the slide after next. Use Auto Fill when most grades are the same. You can then modify Earned Points individually as necessary. Enter Assignment comments. Comments appear in the daily email notifications to the parents. Enter the students’ grades on the grade sheet. Remember to save.
Add Assignment After saving, Wait and look for confirmation that “Marks saved Successfully” The “Add Assignment” link appears so you can quickly add another assignment You can choose to view All students or just those who are Missing assignments
Add Assignment Progress Grade Progress Mark Range Midpoint Outstanding In order to generate an interim report or a grade report card, at least one assignment with a numeric earned points value must be entered for each subject and each student. Even primary grades, which often use OSN or other symbols, must follow enter assignments. AscendSMS translates the numeric earned points value into a symbol seen on the interim and report cards. For Example: Progress Grade Progress Mark Range Midpoint Outstanding O 94-100 97 Very Good S+ 88-93.99 91 Satisfactory S 82-87.99 85 Some Improvement Needed S- 76-81.99 79 Much Improvement Needed N 0-75.99 73
Effect on Grade Average Counted as a missing assignment? Exception Codes This table explains how each Exception Code is handled Key Result Effect on Grade Average Counted as a missing assignment? A Absent None Yes I Incomplete Calculated as a zero E Excused No P Pending Certainly by the end of the term, all A (Absent), I (Incomplete) and P (Pending) grades should either be converted to a numeric value, or to E (Excused)
Class Performance To see how the class did on the assignment as whole, click on the bar chart icon. The grade distribution is shown in a table and as a bar chart. The Class Average (Mean) is displayed on the bottom left.
Copy Assignment To copy an assignment: click on the Copy icon from the Assignments screen. The assignment screen that appears contains the details of the assignment that is being copied. Change field values as necessary, then select Update to complete. NOTE: The copied assignment will appear where appropriate, but you are not automatically taken to the Assignment Results screen.
Edit Assignment To edit an assignment: click on the Edit icon from the Assignments screen, or, click on the Assignment Name from the Assignment Results screen. Change field values as necessary, then select Update to complete. Select Update to complete.
Auto Adjust To adjust the raw score into another proportionate score: click on the Edit icon from the Assignments screen, or click on the Assignment Name from the Assignment Results screen Enter the new desired value for the selected assignment and check the auto adjust box. Select Update to complete.
Auto Adjust In this example, the results have been converted to be based out of 100 points.
Delete Assignment To delete an assignment: click on the Delete icon from the Assignments screen. A message appears confirming that you want to delete the assignment. Select OK A second message appears confirming again that you want to delete the assignment. Select Yes
Add Assignment Category AscendSMS 4/15/2017 Add Assignment Category Assignment Categories are the areas in which the students’ averages are calculated by subject. Your school’s ACE most likely created the assignment categories of Test, Quiz, and Homework for your school. Most teachers will need to create additional categories to tailor to their grading needs. For example, a language arts teacher may want a category of vocabulary workshop while a science teacher may want a category named, “Lab Work.” Create additional categories by selecting Assignments from the main toolbar, then select Add Assignment Category. Teacher Guide
Add Assignment Category Categories that are currently available to the class will be displayed. Select Add Assignment Category to create an additional category.
Add Assignment Category Select the class(es) where the new category is applicable. Name your new category. After naming and selecting classes, click save. The newly created category is now available for use. To Edit the category name, click the edit button. To Delete the category, click the delete button. Important Note: When a teacher adds, edits or deletes assignment categories, it effects only them, and does not effect categories of other teachers.
Missing Assignments AscendSMS makes it easy to track and manage missing assignments. From this screen you can: Enter earned points/comments for a missing assignment. Be sure to select the update button. Print the missing assignments for all the students. You can then cut slips and pass them out to the students who have missing assignments. Print an individual student report. Email all missing assignments to the parent accounts for the student. Email an individual assignment to the parent accounts for the student.
Grade Book (view) Important Note: From the Grade Book view screen, you can only change earned point values that have already been entered earlier. You cannot enter earned points for the first time (i.e., if you used copy assignment function.) Initial entry of earned points can only be down from within the assignment itself on the Assignment Results Screen. The grade book view is located as a submenu item of Assignments. Grade Book will allow you to see all of your students’ score and their average on one screen. If a grade needs to be changed, click inside the field and make the necessary adjustment. If any scores were changed while on this screen, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save.”
Weighted Average Before entering assignments, it is important to decide how you wish to calculate your grades, on Points or Weighted Average. If you choose to weight your averages based on different percentages of each category, select “Weighted Averages” from the submenu of Assignments. On this screen you may edit the percentages of each category. Click the green Cancel button to cancel changes made (and have not yet saved.) Click the red Delete button to delete the assignment category. In the above example grades are weighted by the following percentages: Homework 40%, Test 35%, and Quizzes 25%. All fields must total 100% in order for Update to successfully save your entries.
Homework Tab Select Homework from the main tool bar. All (and only) the classes and subjects you teach appear. The homework posting defaults to the current week, and is displayed by week. Enter daily homework description into your subject fields. Enter the due date for the homework You may post a 2nd homework for the same class/subject by clicking the green plus sign. You can specify various class and subject reminders and messages. Homework posted is available to the student and parents online via the portal and is also included in the daily email notification to the parents. Located at the bottom of the homework screen are options to preview and save.
Homework Tab Homework Preview screenshot shows only homework you have posted (not other teachers.) Click Back to return to exit Homework Preview.
Homework Tab After saving, a confirmation message will appear at the top of the page. If any corrections are needed after saving the homework record, simply go back to the entry and make the necessary adjustments. Once the save button is selected, the record will overwrite itself and the revised items will be displayed.
Comments Tab Select Students, Home: Students or Comments from the main tool bar, then select Comments.
Comments Three Types There are three types of comments: Academic Comments are recorded onto the report card. Personal Comments are recorded onto the daily email notification. Interim Comments are recorded onto the interim report All comment types include a character count. Academic and Interim Comments are shared between teachers. This means: You may see comments already entered by another teacher. You should include your initials to identify who authored your comments. You may insert your comments anywhere in the comment box. If another teacher’s comments are verbose, you should ask that teacher to trim down their comments so that others have a chance to enter comments as well, or edit their comments yourself. The homeroom teacher or person in charge of printing the report cards/interims can edit the comments for spelling and grammatical errors. For expediency, select save & next to move to the next student.
Academic Comments Comments default to Academic. Academic Comments appear on the grade/report card. Be sure to include your initials As a teacher types the remaining characters decreases. This alert the next teacher as to how much space remains. Check the conference box if you wish to request a conference with a parent. The request will appear within the trimester comments.
Personal Comments / Infractions Comments default to Academic, so select Personal from the drop down. Personal Comments appear on the daily email notifications to the parent. Enter the personal comment in the box (note the 540 character counter.) To mark this personal comment as an infraction: check on the Attach Behavioral Infraction Form select the infraction(s). AscendSMS will keep a running log of personal comments for documentation. Click Number of points to view the infraction violations for that comment Click Edit icon to edit the personal comment Click Delete icon to delete the comment.
Interim Comments Comments default to Academic, so select Interim from the drop down. Interim comments appear on the interim report. Be sure to include your initials
Comments Three Types There are three types of comments: Academic Comments are recorded onto the report card. Personal Comments are recorded onto the daily email notification. Interim Comments are recorded onto the interim report All comment types include a character count. Academic and Interim Comments are shared between teachers. This means: You may see comments already entered by another teacher. You should include your initials to identify who authored your comments. You may insert your comments anywhere in the comment box. If another teacher’s comments are verbose, you should ask that teacher to trim down their comments so that others have a chance to enter comments as well, or edit their comments yourself. The homeroom teacher or person in charge of printing the report cards/interims can edit the comments for spelling and grammatical errors. For expediency, select save & next to move to the next student.
Progress Select Students, Home: Students or Comments from the main tool bar, then select Comments.
Home Tab Clicking on the Home tab or the AscendSMS logo to bring up your Dashboard for the class you have selected.
Home Tab Clicking on the Students drop down brings up the students screen for the class you have selected. Note: This screen can also be pulled up by clicking on the Comments Tab
Effort Select “Effort” from your class home page. Choose the desired Term and Subject from the drop down menus. Enter a numerical value for each student. Advance to the next student by pressing enter on your keyboard. Again the auto fill feature may be useful if the majority your students are receiving the same marks. Simply enter the numerical grade in the next to “Auto Fill”; then click “Auto Fill.” The score entered will be applied to all students. To adjust a score, delete the previously entered mark and enter a new value. You must click “Save” to properly record the data. A confirmation will be given following a successful entry.
AscendSMS 4/15/2017 Interim Process NOTE: ALL TEACHERS HAVE THE ABILITY TO ADD COMMENTS TO INTERIMS ONLY HOMEROOM TEACHERS (AND ADMINS) HAVE THE ABILITY TO VIEW AND DOWNLOAD INTERIMS Preparing interims in AscendSMS is a simple 2 step process: 1) Enter Interim Comments Home: Students: Comments (Comments) 2) Viewing/Printing Interims: Home: Students: Grade Report (View) To log into Ascend SMS, simply go your internet browser and go to your school’s Ascend SMS website. Ascend is a cloud-based system, meaning it does not require computer servers at your school, and you can access it anywhere you have an internet connection. The https:// means Ascend SMS is hosted on a secure site. After the double forward slash, enter your school’s Ascend SMS site name, then followed by Then, log in using the credentials that were provided you. Teacher Guide
Step #1) Enter Interim Comments AscendSMS 4/15/2017 Step #1) Enter Interim Comments From the Students Screen, under the column Comments, select Comments. Three ways to get to the Students Screen. To log into Ascend SMS, simply go your internet browser and go to your school’s Ascend SMS website. Ascend is a cloud-based system, meaning it does not require computer servers at your school, and you can access it anywhere you have an internet connection. The https:// means Ascend SMS is hosted on a secure site. After the double forward slash, enter your school’s Ascend SMS site name, then followed by Then, log in using the credentials that were provided you. Teacher Guide
Step #3) Enter Interim Comments AscendSMS 4/15/2017 Step #3) Enter Interim Comments NOTE: The Teacher’s Comments field is shared amongst all teachers for the student. In other words, each teacher will be able to view (and edit) comments entered by other teachers. Select Interim from the list of Comment Types. Because the comments field is shared, be sure to put your initials after your comment. Click Save & Next to proceed to the next student. To log into Ascend SMS, simply go your internet browser and go to your school’s Ascend SMS website. Ascend is a cloud-based system, meaning it does not require computer servers at your school, and you can access it anywhere you have an internet connection. The https:// means Ascend SMS is hosted on a secure site. After the double forward slash, enter your school’s Ascend SMS site name, then followed by Then, log in using the credentials that were provided you. The character count displays how many of the 540 max characters this report card has remaining. You may wish to establish a character count allotment per teacher (i.e.., should core subjects and / or homeroom teachers get more characters? ) Teacher Guide
Viewing/Printing Interims (Homeroom only) AscendSMS Viewing/Printing Interims (Homeroom only) 4/15/2017 From the Students Screen, under the column Report, select Bulk Interim Report to create for entire class, or Interim to create an individual student’s interim. Three ways to get to the Students Screen. When the next screen pops up, click the appropriate term. Note: Only Homeroom teachers will see Bulk Interim Report and individual Interim options. To log into Ascend SMS, simply go your internet browser and go to your school’s Ascend SMS website. Ascend is a cloud-based system, meaning it does not require computer servers at your school, and you can access it anywhere you have an internet connection. The https:// means Ascend SMS is hosted on a secure site. After the double forward slash, enter your school’s Ascend SMS site name, then followed by Then, log in using the credentials that were provided you. Teacher Guide
Viewing/Printing Interims AscendSMS 4/15/2017 Viewing/Printing Interims AscendSMS now creates the report card(s) you have selected, including any changes you (and others) may have made just moments earlier. This process typically takes about 30 seconds for 1 report card and about 2 minutes, thirty seconds for a class of 25 students. Once the download is complete, you may receive a pop up message from your browser asking what you would like to do with the PDF file. From Internet Explorer From Google Chrome To log into Ascend SMS, simply go your internet browser and go to your school’s Ascend SMS website. Ascend is a cloud-based system, meaning it does not require computer servers at your school, and you can access it anywhere you have an internet connection. The https:// means Ascend SMS is hosted on a secure site. After the double forward slash, enter your school’s Ascend SMS site name, then followed by Then, log in using the credentials that were provided you. Select Open to view the downloaded PDF file in Adobe Acrobat reader. Teacher Guide
Viewing/Printing Interims (Homeroom only) Note: This conduct related section does not have a corresponding area within AscendSMS, therefore this section needs to be completed by hand (i.e., with a pen) or simply ignored.
AscendSMS 4/15/2017 Grade Card Process Preparing grade cards in AscendSMS is a simple 4 step process: 1) Enter Effort Grades (Auto-fill) Home: Effort 2) Enter Grade Indications Home: Students: Subject Report (View) 3) Enter Academic Comments Home: Students: Comments (Comments) 4) Viewing/Printing grade cards: Home: Students: Grade Report (View) To log into Ascend SMS, simply go your internet browser and go to your school’s Ascend SMS website. Ascend is a cloud-based system, meaning it does not require computer servers at your school, and you can access it anywhere you have an internet connection. The https:// means Ascend SMS is hosted on a secure site. After the double forward slash, enter your school’s Ascend SMS site name, then followed by Then, log in using the credentials that were provided you. Teacher Guide
Step #1) Enter Effort Grades (Auto-fill) AscendSMS 4/15/2017 Step #1) Enter Effort Grades (Auto-fill) Select Class Select Home: Effort To log into Ascend SMS, simply go your internet browser and go to your school’s Ascend SMS website. Ascend is a cloud-based system, meaning it does not require computer servers at your school, and you can access it anywhere you have an internet connection. The https:// means Ascend SMS is hosted on a secure site. After the double forward slash, enter your school’s Ascend SMS site name, then followed by Then, log in using the credentials that were provided you. Teacher Guide
Step #1) Enter Effort Grades (Auto-fill) AscendSMS 4/15/2017 Step #1) Enter Effort Grades (Auto-fill) Select Subject Enter the “default” effort value and then select Autofill Make changes as needed An error message displays if you enter outside of the range Select Save (Repeat for other subjects in this class) To log into Ascend SMS, simply go your internet browser and go to your school’s Ascend SMS website. Ascend is a cloud-based system, meaning it does not require computer servers at your school, and you can access it anywhere you have an internet connection. The https:// means Ascend SMS is hosted on a secure site. After the double forward slash, enter your school’s Ascend SMS site name, then followed by Then, log in using the credentials that were provided you. Teacher Guide
Step #2) Enter Subject Subheading Marks AscendSMS 4/15/2017 Step #2) Enter Subject Subheading Marks From the Students Screen, under the column Subject Report, select View. Three ways to get to the Students Screen. To log into Ascend SMS, simply go your internet browser and go to your school’s Ascend SMS website. Ascend is a cloud-based system, meaning it does not require computer servers at your school, and you can access it anywhere you have an internet connection. The https:// means Ascend SMS is hosted on a secure site. After the double forward slash, enter your school’s Ascend SMS site name, then followed by Then, log in using the credentials that were provided you. Teacher Guide
Step #2) Enter Subject Subheading Marks AscendSMS 4/15/2017 Step #2) Enter Subject Subheading Marks Select an * if this subject was curriculum adjusted for this student The effort grade (entered in step 1) can be changed if necessary Select the sub heading marking PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AND WORK / STUDY Multiple teachers can mark these areas. Putting the cursor near a marking will display the teacher who gave it Select the subheading to enter your marking. Notes about PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT and WORK / STUDY: When you enter your marks, it may appear that you have erased/ replaced the other teachers’ markings, but you have not. The report card itself will NOT indicate which teacher gave which mark in these 2 sections , so be sure to explain a poor mark in the comments section. To log into Ascend SMS, simply go your internet browser and go to your school’s Ascend SMS website. Ascend is a cloud-based system, meaning it does not require computer servers at your school, and you can access it anywhere you have an internet connection. The https:// means Ascend SMS is hosted on a secure site. After the double forward slash, enter your school’s Ascend SMS site name, then followed by Then, log in using the credentials that were provided you. Teacher Guide
Step #3) Enter Academic Comments AscendSMS 4/15/2017 Step #3) Enter Academic Comments From the Students Screen, under the column Comments, select Comments. Three ways to get to the Students Screen. To log into Ascend SMS, simply go your internet browser and go to your school’s Ascend SMS website. Ascend is a cloud-based system, meaning it does not require computer servers at your school, and you can access it anywhere you have an internet connection. The https:// means Ascend SMS is hosted on a secure site. After the double forward slash, enter your school’s Ascend SMS site name, then followed by Then, log in using the credentials that were provided you. Teacher Guide
Step #3) Enter Academic Comments AscendSMS 4/15/2017 Step #3) Enter Academic Comments NOTE: The Teacher’s Comments field is shared amongst all teachers for the student. In other words, each teacher will be able to view (and edit) comments entered by other teachers. The character count displays how many of the 540 max characters this report card has remaining. You may wish to establish a character count allotment per teacher (i.e.., should core subjects and / or homeroom teachers get more characters? ) The comment type defaults to academic (i.e. grade card.) Because the comments field is shared, be sure to put your initials after your comment Click here if you wish to schedule a conference. Click Save & Next to proceed to the next student. To log into Ascend SMS, simply go your internet browser and go to your school’s Ascend SMS website. Ascend is a cloud-based system, meaning it does not require computer servers at your school, and you can access it anywhere you have an internet connection. The https:// means Ascend SMS is hosted on a secure site. After the double forward slash, enter your school’s Ascend SMS site name, then followed by Then, log in using the credentials that were provided you. Teacher Guide
Step #4) Viewing/Printing Grade Cards AscendSMS 4/15/2017 Step #4) Viewing/Printing Grade Cards From the Students Screen, under the column Grade Report, select View. Three ways to get to the Students Screen. When the next screen pops up, click the appropriate term. To log into Ascend SMS, simply go your internet browser and go to your school’s Ascend SMS website. Ascend is a cloud-based system, meaning it does not require computer servers at your school, and you can access it anywhere you have an internet connection. The https:// means Ascend SMS is hosted on a secure site. After the double forward slash, enter your school’s Ascend SMS site name, then followed by Then, log in using the credentials that were provided you. Teacher Guide
Viewing/Printing Grade Cards AscendSMS 4/15/2017 Viewing/Printing Grade Cards Homeroom teachers will see all students in the homeroom (regardless of which student was initially selected) and have the ability select all or select multiple students. Non-homeroom teachers will see only the student initially selected. To log into Ascend SMS, simply go your internet browser and go to your school’s Ascend SMS website. Ascend is a cloud-based system, meaning it does not require computer servers at your school, and you can access it anywhere you have an internet connection. The https:// means Ascend SMS is hosted on a secure site. After the double forward slash, enter your school’s Ascend SMS site name, then followed by Then, log in using the credentials that were provided you. After selecting the student, select Download Teacher Guide
Viewing/Printing Grade Cards AscendSMS 4/15/2017 Viewing/Printing Grade Cards AscendSMS now creates the report card(s) you have selected, including any changes you (and others) may have made just moments earlier. This process typically takes about 30 seconds for 1 report card and about 2 minutes, thirty seconds for a class of 25 students. Once the download is complete, you may receive a pop up message from your browser asking what you would like to do with the PDF file. From Internet Explorer From Google Chrome To log into Ascend SMS, simply go your internet browser and go to your school’s Ascend SMS website. Ascend is a cloud-based system, meaning it does not require computer servers at your school, and you can access it anywhere you have an internet connection. The https:// means Ascend SMS is hosted on a secure site. After the double forward slash, enter your school’s Ascend SMS site name, then followed by Then, log in using the credentials that were provided you. Select Open to view the downloaded PDF file in Adobe Acrobat reader. Teacher Guide
Viewing/Printing Grade Cards AscendSMS 4/15/2017 Viewing/Printing Grade Cards Review the report card(s) for accuracy and completeness by scrolling down with the scroll bar, down arrow, or with your mouse wheel. Exit Adobe Acrobat to make further changes in AscendSMS. You may save as/print this PDF download for your records. (many schools have the homeroom teacher send this PDF – or save it on a shared drive - to the person responsible for printing the report cards.) Check your printer for instructions on how to set up duplex printing. To log into Ascend SMS, simply go your internet browser and go to your school’s Ascend SMS website. Ascend is a cloud-based system, meaning it does not require computer servers at your school, and you can access it anywhere you have an internet connection. The https:// means Ascend SMS is hosted on a secure site. After the double forward slash, enter your school’s Ascend SMS site name, then followed by Then, log in using the credentials that were provided you. Teacher Guide