OPSC CIMExcel Software Inc. Slide 1 Optimal Power System Control (OPSC) Hydroelectric Fossil Biomass/Solid Waste/Cogeneration Nuclear Wind Combined Cycle Gas Turbine for improved system stability, optimal AGC performance, and improved tie-line control, in interconnected or island operating mode (continental, area, sub-area).
CIMExcel Software Inc. Slide 2 Power System Dynamics Model The i th area is connected to the j th area by the k th tie-line (m areas and n tie-lines). M i d/dt ∆ω i = G i - D 0i - D i ∆ω i - E i ∆ω i = ω i - ω set E i = ∑ k T k ( k th tie-line connected to the i th area ) get M i and D i from a major disturbance. Tie-line Power Flows: A * S = G - D 0 where A* is the inter-area connection matrix (m x n). S = A -1 (G - D 0 ) where A is a square matrix (decomposition - idle or non-scheduled tie-line flows). τ d/dt T = S - T
OPSC CIMExcel Software Inc. Slide 3 OPSC – Discrete-time Model Reference Control for AGC P 1set (j) ISO Realtime Economic Load Allocation ω G (j) ω G set OPSC Algorithm Realtime Demand, Import, Export ~ 10 seconds Filter - Sampler ω G (t) Optimal AGC Load Allocation P mset (j) P iset (j) P S (j) ISO Realtime Pricing P m+1 (k) P m+n (k) P l (k) ∑ P l (k) l = m+1 l = m+n + - P AGC (j) ~ 5 minutes pu power setpoints for participating units Time-of-day Scheduling and Spinning Reserve pu power for non-participating units APPC power mode P i (j) Spinning Reserve Optimization Modes uniform weighted efficiency weighted-efficiency Filter - Sampler E set net export (inter-area contracts) E net export (t) E net export (j) Filter - Sampler
OPSC CIMExcel Software Inc. Slide 4 Optimal AGC Load Allocation – NERC Sub-Area
OPSC CIMExcel Software Inc. Slide 5 OPSC Discrete-time Model Reference Control - AGC Off
OPSC CIMExcel Software Inc. Slide 6 OPSC Discrete-time Model Reference Control - AGC On (Hydroelectric on AGC – participating units in efficiency optimization mode)
OPSC CIMExcel Software Inc. Slide 7 Optimal AGC Load Allocation – Efficiency Mode
OPSC CIMExcel Software Inc. Slide 8 OPSC Discrete-time Model Reference Control - AGC On - Export Trip / Recovery
OPSC CIMExcel Software Inc. Slide 9 OPSC Discrete-time Model Reference Control - AGC On - Import Trip / Recovery
CIMExcel Software Inc. Slide 10 Optimal Power System Control – NERC Areas Tie-lines
CIMExcel Software Inc. Slide 11 Optimal Power System Control Tie-line and Area Export Schedule
CIMExcel Software Inc. Slide 12 Optimal Power System Control – NERC Areas
CIMExcel Software Inc. Slide 13 Optimal Power System Control – NERC Tie-lines
CIMExcel Software Inc. Slide 14 Advanced Power Plant Control (APPC) Hydroelectric Fossil Biomass/Solid Waste/Cogeneration Nuclear Wind Combined Cycle Gas Turbine for improved stability and improved AGC performance in interconnected or island operating mode using continuous and discrete time non-linear model reference control technology. Hydraulic Turbine Governor (Kaplan) Pitch Optimization Multi-Turbine Optimization Steam Turbine Governor Boiler Pressure and Mass Reactor Power PWR, BWR, Areva, CANDU, ACR Steam Turbine Governor Boiler Pressure and Mass Superheater Temperature Combustion Control Burner Management Steam Turbine Governor Boiler Pressure and Mass Multi-Fuel Combustion Multi-Valve Turbine Flow Multi-Steam Header Cogeneration Optimization Steam Turbine Governor Boiler Pressure and Mass Combustor Control Combined Power Blade Pitch Multi-Turbine Optimization