A Red Scare. Fear of Communism at Home
Mike Russo – 1961 “Agnes the Teenage Russian Spy” Neat site: What might the red “iceberg” off on its own symbolize?
Did you know that during the Cold War the Cincinnati Reds became the Cincinnati Redlegs
The Hollywood Ten and their lawyers
Alger Hiss – former State Department accused of spying. He testified under oath that he was not a spy. Hiss sued Chambers, the man who accused him of spying. Chambers later produced the Pumpkin Papers which proved Hiss lied but the statute of limitations had expired and he could not be retried. He was convicted of perjury and sentenced to 5 years.
The Rosenbergs leaving their arraignment and in happier times.
Both Julius and Ethel pled the 5 th when on the stand. They were executed by electrocution In his memoirs Khrushchev praised the Rosenbergs for all they had done.
Rosenberg children and their lawyer
McCarthyism ( ) Senator Joseph McCarthy from Wisconsin Accused many in government of being communists. He had very little if any proof Margaret Chase Smith – one of the few ppl. who challenged McCarthy.
Nuclear Anxiety Hydrogen Bomb Hundreds of times stronger Arms race = both U.S. and USSR have it Religion Billy Graham “In God we trust” and “One nation under God” Education “Duck and Cover” How to survive Fallout Radioactive byproduct of nuclear explosions Die, dig, or get out
Duck and Cover
Do it yourself fallout shelter
Arms Race leads to Space RaceArms Race leads to Space Race- (video and audio) Sputnik Sputnik II (poor dog) Explorer I –Americans fear we are falling behind the Soviets –As a result Eisenhower creates National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Defense Education Act