McCarthyism in the 40’s and 50’s The “Red” Scare McCarthyism in the 40’s and 50’s
The “Red” Scare During the late 40’s and early 50’s Americans feared that communists were trying to take over the US. This was called “red” scare.
Spy Trials Several Americans were accused of spying for the Soviets. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were accused of giving atomic secrets to the Soviets. They were found guilty and went to the gas chamber.
Hollywood on Trial Many Hollywood directors, actors, and writers were accused of being communists. The Congress investigated people Movie studios had a “black list” and fired people who they suspected of being “reds”
Joseph McCarthy US Senator Joseph McCarthy accused people in the government of being communists. His accusations were without evidence, but his rumors hurt many people
“McCarthyism” McCarthy finally became unpopular when he accused people in the military of being disloyal We still use the term McCarthyism when people are being falsely accused.
McCarthy’s Tactics McCarthy accused Democrats of being “soft” on communism. He accused government officials disloyalty McCarthy established a senate committee to investigate US “communists”, although he often had little or false evidence.
Lives Ruined He even accused people in the army of being communists Finally
Alger Hiss Trial In 1948 former Communists Whittaker Chambers testified that several government officials were communist spies. He named Alger Hiss, a diplomat for FDR. Hiss denied the allegations, but secret papers were found and Hiss was convicted of perjury.
Loyalty Review In 1947 Harry Truman created the loyalty review program, to screen all federal employees. This was to insure that no communists had infiltrated the US government.
Loyalty Oaths The fear of communists, led schools and universities to give loyalty oaths to their teachers. Labor Union also demanded loyalty oaths of their leaders.
HUAC Hearings In 1947 FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, went to the House on Un-American Activities, asking the committee to investigate communist subversion in the US.
Fall of McCarthy In 1954 McCarthy began to look for spies in the US Army. The public turned against McCarthy during these hearings McCarthy was “censured” by the Congress and died in 1957
The Venona Project The US had a secret project designed to intercept secret messages sent from the US to the Soviet Union. This project determined that there were messages, including atomic secrets, being sent from US citizens to the Soviets.