Immigration: A Catholic Response Part I: U.S. History of Immigration
For generations, our families have migrated…
Statue of Liberty Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I life my lamp beside the golden door. Emma Lazarus
Immigrants satisfy a U.S. demand In the 1990s: over half of US workforce growth was from immigrants. 2000-2005: immigrants accounted for 86% of increase in US employment (about 50% were Hispanics of which 50% Mexican). For next 20 years, no net increase is predicted in the number of prime working-age natives (ages 15-54).
“Push” to U.S. Immigration 1840-50: Irish Potato Famine – mostly Irish Catholics come. 1850: U.S. seizes 1/3 of Mexico Mexican border relatively open until 1920 Mexicans come and go freely 1910: Mexican Revolution seizes land 1920: Cristero Movement repressed
“Push” to U.S. Immigration Chinese rush to U.S. in 1840-1870 1839-42: Opium War with Britain Loss of Hong Kong to Britain Taiping Rebellion 1850-64 Agricultural crisis and rice shortage
“Push” to U.S. Immigration 1890-1924: Period of greatest immigration Ellis Island: 1892 – 1924: 5000 enter daily, maybe 1 in 50 rejected 12 million had entered by 1954 when closed WWI generates Italian, Slav, Greek, Polish, Jewish immigrants (Southern Europe)
Historic “Pull” of Immigrants Immigrants satisfy US economic needs 1864: 1st comprehensive federal immigration law to work frontier (RR, mining, farming, e.g., Chinese recruited for Calif gold rush 1848-1882). 1870s: Companies recruit in Mexico in part to replace Chinese, but mostly seasonal. 1882: Chinese Exclusion Act, denies more entries, no return if leave, sponsoring relatives and citizenship denied. WWI: Government, industry and agriculture contract Mexican labor.
U.S. Limits Immigration Limits usually accompanied by anti immigrant, xenophobic campaigns e.g., anti Chinese movement in midst of 1870 US depression. Up to 1850s – 85% of immigrants were English, Scotch Irish, and German; all other groups suspect because “Not like us.” After WWI: door slammed shut: 1900-1915: 15 million enter U.S. 1915-1930: 5.5 million enter U.S.
U.S. Limits Immigration 1917: Literacy Act – very exclusionary need to write or speak English and another language aims to exclude southern Europeans & Jews & excluded all Asians, including Indians, Malaysians, etc. Even though 12% of US Army is Italian. 9th Proviso: exception for farm workers, mostly Mexicans.
U.S. Limits Immigration 1918-1921: Red scare aggravates fear & anti-immigrant reaction. 1921-1924: Quota Law – 1st time numerical limits; uses 1910 proportion, favoring north Europeans. Border Patrol created; Mexican border becomes a tangible reality, though still permeable.
U.S. Limits Immigration 1924 Immigration Act severely limits because Racial superiority of Anglo Saxons Immigrants cause lowering of wages Do not assimilate Threat to national identity & unity Limits immigrants to 2% of their national group in 1890, thus against south & east Europeans
Mexican immigrants recruited 1900-1910: 49,000 immigrants enter, 50% are Mexicans. 1920: 500,000 Mexicans emigrated Poverty & unrest in Mexico before 1910 Restrictions on Japanese, like Chinese Demand for labor in RR, agric, mines Waiver of $5 head tax Seen as temporary, not staying Will work in undesirable jobs & locations
Mexican immigrants deported Depression Mexican immigration slows to trickle Emigration exceeds immigration 3-1 Violent reaction against Mexicans as cities & states round up and deport them Many leave on own out of fear In 15 month period in 1931, 2 million Mexicans leave.
“Pull” of Mexican immigrants WWII: (1942-1964) Treaty with Mexico to contract workers (Bracero Program) Private contracts but feds help recruit US demand initially small, but soon outstrips visas so in early 1950s growers recruit undocumented. 1942-1946: 4.6 million braceros admitted 1950: 67,000 braceros to 450,000 in 1956 Same time: 5.2 million illegal immigrants arrested.
“Pull” of Mexican Immigrants US knew Bracero program would foment illegal immigration e.g., cut Border Patrol Undocumented benefit government & private sector. Government need not pay cost of $450/worker Owners save $25 bond on each, $15 contracting fee & other restrictions. Early 1950’s: Prosperity pulls poor Puerto Ricans (U.S. citizens) & others.
Historic “Pull” & Limiting Recession increases arrests in 1950-1956: 1934-43: 10,000/year 1944-54: 277,000/year 1954: 1,090,000 (Operation Wetback) 1956: 30,000 Illegal immigration issue disappears
History of Immigration European immigration slows in early 1950s due to McCarthyism scare. 1952: McCarran-Walter Act against communist subversives: - Creates INS & moves it from Labor to Justice - Establishes 4 category preference system 50% to more educated 50% to 3 preferences for family of citizens & residents – 1st time
History of Immigration 1959: U.S. receives large numbers of Cuban refugees. 1960-65: JFK & LBJ try to eliminate discriminatory national quotas
Contradictions of Push, Pull & Limiting 1964: Civil Rights movement highlights abuses of braceros 1965: Amendment to Civil Rights Asian immigration restrictions eliminated Asians immigrants explode in 70s & 80s: Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia & bring families. Together with Latinos = 85% of all immigrants till 1990s
Contradictions of Push, Pull & Limiting Readjusts quota system 20,000 for each non-Western country regardless of size 170,000 visas for Eastern Hemisphere, 75% for family of citizens y LPRs Only 120,000 for Western Hemisphere, which creates backlog of Mexicans 1965-1976: 300,000 backlog of West requests Annually Mexicans used 40,000 of 120,000 visas US wrongly gave 150,000 Western visas to Cubans
Contradictions of Push, Pull & Limiting 1975: Law disallows woman with child born in U.S. to apply for LPR; child may apply when 21. 1976: US cuts Mexican visas to 20,000 3rd preference of married sons/daughters of citizens = 10 years 4th preference of bros/sisters = 12 years 1979: After Pres Carter appoints Fr Hesburg to commission to review policy, receives recom-mendation for employer sanctions (an idea rejected since 1870s) and broad legalization.
Contradictions of Push, Pull & Limiting 1986: Immigration Reform & Control Act (IRCA): 2 step legalization process, legalizing 2.5 million (“amnesty”), less than expected, who fulfill restrictive criteria. Employer sanctions Outlaws unfair immigration related employment practices
Contradictions of Push, Pull & Limiting 1996: Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) hastily passed on eve of threatened government shutdown (9/30). Harshest law in U.S. history Retroactively increased grounds of deportability Greatly limited judicial review & political asylum Mandated 10-year bar to return for residing illegally in U.S. for a year or more. Permanent bar for false claim to U.S. citizenship Greatly restricted waivers.
Contradictions of Push, Pull & Limiting 2001: Pres Fox receives standing ovation when calls for broad legalization before joint Congress 9/11: Hope-filled meeting between Fox and Pres Bush for 9/13 canceled. They never meet. Severe tightening of immigration procedures 2003: Homeland Security takes over INS role Immigration takes on anti-terrorism flavor All applications take much longer to process
Contradictions of Push, Pull & Limiting 2005: Sensenbrenner (R-WI) introduces controversial bill, passes House in 7 days: Felony to aid undocumented people Felony to enter U.S. illegally Felony to overstay or violate a visa March 10, May 1 2006 & 2007: Largest demonstrations in U.S. history 1/2007: Strive bill introduced as more compassionate alternative, but strong opposition from the right, forces Senate to drop efforts in summer. Senate passes stronger enforcement.
Contradictions of Push, Pull & Limiting 2005: Harsher rulings on waivers Of 300,000 applications for Cancellation of Removal, 99% denied and there is no appeal. Those applying fulfill the following: In U.S. for 10 uninterrupted years before arrest A person of good character, no crime Has spouse, parent or child who is US citizen or PLR Would suffer extreme hardship if deported.
Contradictions of Push, Pull & Limiting Increased enforcement in 2007 Congress approves 700 miles of fence, more $ for border patrol officers and technology Deportations escalate, 270,000 in FY 07, most in history. More detention space funded, detention soars to 27,000. Minutemen created as vigilante force.
Contradictions of Push, Pull & Limiting 2005: Harsher rulings on waivers Of 300,000 applications for Cancellation of Removal, 99% denied and there is no appeal. Those applying fulfill the following: In U.S. for 10 uninterrupted years before arrest A person of good character, no crime Has spouse, parent or child who is US citizen or PLR Would suffer extreme hardship if deported.
Contradictions of Push, Pull & Limiting Municipalities & states pass strict laws: Oklahoma: harshest law making any aid to illegal immigrants a crime. Tulsa Archbishop denounces it. Waukegan & many other cities require police to ask for ID and if none, to turn over persons to ICE. Arizona law fines and then cancels business licenses of those caught hiring undocumented people.
The Future? 2007: Save Act stays alive in House, focusing on enforcement only. 2008: Presidential campaign creates limited debate: Democrats shy from the issue Republicans emphasize enforcement
Rise in # of legal immigrants 1950s: 2.5 million 1960s: 3.3 million 1970s: 4.5 million 1980s: 7.3 million 1990s: 9.1 million – biggest decade