PREVIEW OF EVENTS March 1947February Loyalty Review Board established McCarthy claims to have a list of Communists in State Department Rosenbergs accused of espionage
INTRO TO RED SCARE 1.September 1945 – Igor Gouzenko defected outside of Soviet Embassy in Ottawa, Canada a.Defected – abandon one’s country or cause in favor on an opposing one b.Revealed several efforts made by Soviet Union to infiltrate gov’t organizations in US and Canada = meant that spies have infiltrated American government 2.The search for spies escalated into fear of Communist subversion a.Subversion – effort to secretly weaken a society and overthrow its government 3.American fear of spies intensified Cold War Review #: 34
LOYALTY REVIEW PROGRAM AND HAUC 1.Loyalty Review Program – screened all federal employees 2.HAUC – House Un-American Activities Committee a.Created in 1938 to investigate communist and fascist activities in US b.1947 – FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover wanted to hold public hearings on Communist subversion i.Targeted Communists and Communist sympathizers Review #: 4
THE ROSENBERGS 1.Soviet’s success with atomic bomb raised suspicion Americans believed that the Soviet’s ability to produce it so quickly was unlikely without help a.Belief that spies aided in selling secrets of atomic bomb to Soviets – Man hunt led to successful information 3.Julius and Ethel Rosenberg NY couple who spied for Communist party a.Headed Soviet spy ring 4.Rosenbergs denied charges, were condemned to death for espionage 5.June 1953 – couple was executed Review #: 34, 35
PROJECT VENONA project to crack Soviet spy code 2.Cracked about 3,000 messages between Moscow and US during Cold War a.Messages confirmed Soviet spying b.Led to federal investigators on massive hunt 3.US chose not to make intercepted messages public to keep Soviets out of loop Review #: 13
MCCARTHYISM Joseph McCarthy 1.Ran for Senate in Wisconsin 2.Accused his opponent of being “communistically inclined” without proof and no specifics 3.After becoming senator continued to proclaim Communist dangers at home and abroad Review #: 7, 34, 40
MCCARTHYISM CONT became chairman of Senate subcommittee on investigations a.Used power to force officials to testify alleged Communist influences b.Investigations turned into witch hung search for disloyalty based on flimsy evidence and irrational fear 5.His tactics of damaging reputations with vague and unfound charges became known as McCarthyism Review #: 7, 34, 40
DOWNFALL OF MCCARTHY 1.People were afraid to challenge McCarthy a.Would make large accusations that drew press b.Badger and question witnesses – refusing to accept their answer McCarthy looked for spies in US Army a.Army did own internal investigation found no spies or suspicion of espionage b.McCarthy was furious took his own investigation onto television i.Harshly questioned officers and harassed them ii.During televised weeks of hearings support for McCarthy began to fade iii.Americans felt he was bullying 3.Later Senate passed a vote of censure = formal disapproval against McCarthy Review #: 7, 34, 40
FACING THE BOMB 1.Americans were shocked by first Soviet atomic test in Fear increased in 1953 when USSR successfully tested more powerful bomb hydrogen bomb 3.Americans prepared for surprise Soviet attack a.Schools set aside special bomb sheltered areas b.School would participate in bomb drills c.“Duck and cover” actions used to protection i.Duck under desks, turn away from windows, and cover heads with hands Review #: 1, 33c, 34