Red Scare, Communism And the Cold War
1.Why was the lose of China a blow to the US in its war with Communism? 1.Nationalists and Chiang Kia-shek 2.Communist and Moa Zedong 3.Peasants and Land 2.How did the Korean War a reflection of the US stance on Communism? What was gained in the War? 1.Russian Controlled North 2.US Controlled South 3.Syngman Rhee vs. Kim Il-sung 4.Who controlled Korea 5.China and the War 6.MacArthur and the Bomb 7.48 th Parallel 8.Casualties 3.How did Joseph McCarthy and the House Committee on Un-American Activities create increased fear of communism in America? 1.House Committee on Un-American Activities 2.Alger Hiss 3.Joseph McCarthy and McCarthyism 4.Julius and Ethel Roseburg 5.Anti-Communist Witch Hunt 6.Edward R. Murrow and See it Now 7.Fall of McCarthy 4.Why did Truman not run for president and why was Eisenhower a sure win? 1.Truman political baggage 2.Eisenhower Popularity 3.Election of 1952
5.Why did the US and the CIA support the regime change in Iran? 5.CIA and MI6 6.Mohammed Mossadgh and nationalization of Iranian Oil Reserves 7.Operation Ajax 8.Shah of Iran 6.Why did the Eisenhower Government support the French in reclaiming Indochina 5.Indochina 6.Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh 7.Domino Theory 8.Battle Dien Bien Phu 9.Geneva Accords and Reunification Elections 10.US response and Ngo Dinh Diem 11.Oppression and Buddhist Response 12.Viet Cong and Protest in the South 7.Why was the US outraged by the USSR’s launch of Sputnik 5.Sputnik 6.American Technology Prestige 7.Science and Math in School and Increased Military Spending 8.NASA 8.Why did the Crisis in Berlin create greater divisions between the US and USSR? 5.Division of Germany and Berlin 6.Berlin Blockade 9.How did Eisenhower respond to the US Spy Plane incident impact US and USSR relations ? 5.U2 Spy Plane 6.Francis Gray Powers 7.Strained Relations 10.How was the Fall of Cuba to communism a blow to US foreign policy? 5.Fidel Castro and Communist regime