How did the American’s government reflect a fear of communism? President Truman Expand the federal bureaucracy – National Security Act of 1947 Creation NSC & CIA Expands federal government size and power in Executive Order 9835 Barred members of the Communist Party from federal employment States started to do this to
Who was Senator Joseph McCarthy? Wisconsin Republican facing defeat in election of 1950 Turned to an anti- Communism The List “I have here a list of 205 names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department.”
What is the definition of McCarthyism? The fear, suspicion, and scapegoating that surrounded McCarthy, his accusations and the general curtailment of civil rights during the Cold War era. It was a witch-hunt style campaign to silence critics of the Cold War. Examples of McCarthyism In NYC, citizens must take loyalty oath to receive a fishing license FDR’s New Deal is re-evaluated as “a socialist conspiracy” and “20 years of treason” Jonas Salk invents vaccine for Polio; a congressman suggests that it be distributed to all school-age children for free. Eisenhower’s Secretary of Health rejects the idea as an attempt to “socialize medicine through the backdoor.”
House UnAmerican Activities Committee (HUAC) Subcommittee of the House of Representatives Purpose: To root out “subversion” of the American system. The Question: “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?”
Hollywood Blacklist Hollywood 10 Blacklisted from the industry after refusing to answer questions from HUAC Some left the US to work, others worked under code names Mainly screenwriters and directors Arthur Miller & The Crucible
What is the McCarran Act? Formal Name: The Internal Security Act Requires communist organizations to register with the Subversive Activities Control Board Authorizes the arrest of suspect persons during national emergency Six concentration camps were built for this purpose (!!!!!!!) The Immigration & Nationality Act Another McCarran-authored law Barred people who were deemed either “subversive” or “homosexual” from becoming citizens Power to deport immigrants who were event members of the Communist Party (even if citizens) In effect until 1973
Video Clip Major Motion Picture Reference – Good Night and Good Luck! night-and-good-luck-interview-with-david- strathairn night-and-good-luck-interview-with-david- strathairn