Cold War Propaganda/Red Scare
Red Scare!! -The U.S. government used radio broadcast to spread hatred and FEAR of Communism. -US government supported many radio and newspaper broadcasts.
News Stories Soviets eat their babies Reds seek War with America Horrors under Red rule- Strip women in the Streets Soviets eat their babies Reds seek War with America Allied officials envision a possible invasion of Europe by Reds Reds Raising Army to Attack India Fears that Soviets will now invade Japanese territory.
Soviets will attack America!
Schools Teach “Duck & Cover”
Americans build “Bomb Shelters”
What did all this anti-communist Propaganda/ paranoia lead to?
Joe McCarthy Witch hunt! American’s are accused of being communist!!
Unamerican Activities?!?!
REsults In the mid- and late 1950s, the attitudes and institutions of McCarthyism slowly weakened. McCarthy LIED he NEVER had a list of people he accused to be Communist. Public furious!! McCarthy was seen as a dishonest and dishonorable man to the public.