Widespread Unemployment World War I had created great economic prosperity in the US The government, however, was not prepared to convert to a postwar economy 100s of factories that had produced war materials closed Crop prices fell as overseas demand dropped By 1920, 5 million Americans were out of work EMERGING ECONOMIC TENSIONS
Businesses Return to Prewar Labor Practices During World War I, the government encouraged businesses & labor to cooperate When the war ended, workers struggled to keep the gains they had made in the war years Businesses, however, reduced wages & paid less attention to employee safety Some even tried to increase the average workday from 8 hours to 12 hours RISING LABOR TENSIONS
Workers Organize Many Americans responded to businesses by joining a union for the first time American Federation of Labor – Concentrated on improving wages & working conditions Industrial Workers of the World – Saw socialism as the solution to workers’ problems RISING LABOR TENSIONS
Workers Go On Strike In 1919, unions staged more than 3,600 strikes across the country 1 out of every 10 workers walked off the job at some point that year The most controversial strike involved the Boston police force City officials had cut their wages & refused to negotiate At first, the people of Boston sympathized with the police The city, however, lapsed into anarchy Governor Calvin Coolidge called in the National Guard to keep order RISING LABOR TENSIONS
Unions Lose Public Support Overall union membership declined in the 1920s People began to see them as a threat Strikes failed to achieve many of the workers’ goals Many unions excluded women, blacks, & most immigrants Supreme Court decisions further weakened unions The Court rejected child labor laws, minimum wage for women, etc. RISING LABOR TENSIONS
A Bomb Scare Fuels Fear In April 1919, 2 government officials received packages containing bombs 34 more bombs were eventually discovered Many Americans saw the bomb scare as a sign that radicalism was on the rise Socialists – Called for public ownership of land & factories Communists – Wanted a classless society brought about through a working class revolution Anarchists – Opposed all systems of government GROWING POLITICAL TENSIONS
Red Scare Leads to Raids The postwar fear of radicals became known as the Red Scare The Red Scare intensified when in June 1919, 8 bombs exploded in 8 cities at the same time One target was Attorney General Mitchell Palmer’s house As a result, Palmer conducted searched places he thought might house radicals These Palmer Raids were conducted without warrants GROWING POLITICAL TENSIONS
Civil Liberties Suffer The fear of radicalism led people to react 30 states passed sedition laws Books considered to be offensive were removed from libraries Palmer hoped to use his notoriety to help him win the presidency He announced that a plot to overthrow the government would begin in NYC on May 1, 1920 When nothing happened, his ambitions were ruined RISING LABOR TENSIONS
The Revival of Nativism After World War I, immigration into the US increased Many feared that these immigrants would never become 100% American This triggered a resurgence of nativism & calls for restrictions on immigration INCREASING SOCIAL TENSIONS
New Laws Restrict Immigration 1921 – Emergency Immigration Act Set the maximum number of immigrants allowed in the US each year at 375,000 people Introduced a quota system limiting the number of immigrants from each country to 3% of its residents in the US in 1910 1924 – Immigration Act of 1924 Reduced the number of immigrants allowed in to the US each year to 164,000 Cut quotas to 2% of a country’s residents in the US in 1890 Banned all immigration from Asia INCREASING SOCIAL TENSIONS
The KKK Targets “Alien” Influences The Ku Klux Klan was reborn in Atlanta, GA in 1915 Restricted its membership to native-born white Protestants Targeted Africans Americans, immigrants, Catholics, & Jews By the early 1920s, the Klan had 3-4 million members Lawmakers supported by the Klan won control of state legislatures in Oregon, Oklahoma, Texas, & Indiana Klan members held marches in Washington, DC & other major cities INCREASING SOCIAL TENSIONS
Americans Face Discrimination Asian immigrants faced severe legal discrimination Barred from becoming citizens Could not own land or marry a white person in many states African Americans faced continuing discrimination as well In some places, lynching made a comeback During the Red Summer of 1919, tensions erupted in race riots Led to support for Marcus Garvey’s Back-to-Africa movement ENDURING RACIAL & RELIGIOUS TENSIONS
Catholics & Jews Fight Prejudice The increase in Jewish immigrants stirred up anti-Semitism Gave birth to the Anti-Defamation League to protect the rights of Jews Catholics were also targets of religious prejudice 1928 – Democratic Party nominated NY Governor Al Smith, a Catholic for president Soon there were rumors that if Smith was elected, the pope would run the US ENDURING RACIAL & RELIGIOUS TENSIONS