Transportation Tuesday Skids are not caused by snow, rain, sand or poor tyres. Skids are caused by not driving at the right speed for the conditions braking or accelerating harshly THE ROAD IS YOUR SKID PAN Regain control in a skid - don’t panic! ease off the brake or accelerator keep a firm grip on the steering wheel try to steer smoothly in the direction of the skid - this means if the vehicle skids to the right, you steer smoothly to the right to recover if you do this too quickly you will go into another skid (this is the “S” pattern) keep calm and steer again in the direction of the skid rear of car skids to right driver steers skid to right
Transportation Tuesday THE ROAD IS YOUR RACE TRACK Use your judgement, not your imagination. If the road conditions are not perfect, adjust your speed to deal with them. THIS IS A LIMIT NOT A TARGET 120 KPH 50 KPH Here are some imperfect road conditions … changed road layout - like corners, hills, narrow lanes, junctions sharing the road with pedestrians, cyclists, camels, motorcycles, etc. high winds, rain, blowing sand, snow driving at night when it is harder to see and be seen
Transportation Tuesday OTHER ROAD USERS ARE COMPETITORS We all have a lot of stress in our lives … don’t take yours out on other road users. Try to remember that not everyone is as good a driver as you are and show some consideration to people who don’t have your skills. Be understanding if other drivers cause problems - they may be inexperienced or just not know the area well. Be patient - remember that anyone can make a mistake. Don’t allow yourself to become agitated or angry at other drivers - pull over and calm down if you must. Losing your temper is losing control. Slow down and hold back if other vehicles pull out in front of you or cut you off - aggressive driving is a quick way to the hospital. Try to anticipate what pedestrians and cyclists will do. Avoid doing anything to scare or endanger them.
Transportation Tuesday YOU DON’T NEED HELP FROM ROAD PLANNERS Town planners and municipalities spend a lot of time and money marking roads to help you recognise safe and unsafe areas. HERE ARE SOME HINTS ON ROAD LINES … Never cross a solid white line - it means you’re moving into the danger zone. Perhaps approaching a hill, corner or narrow lane. Broken lines at junctions mean GIVE WAY. A short pause will stop you from smashing into someone else. Yellow lines mean you’ll be in trouble if you don’t pay the parking meter.
Transportation Tuesday