French Culture
5,000 varieties of wine – variety of French ideosynchrasies Five characteristics: –Pureness –Classification –Composition –Suitability –Maturation Pureness It is a VERY complicated process to make wine, and many variables will affect the outcome (French are very unpredictable, too). You never know what you’re going to get. Aggregation of peoples struggling to forge a unified identity Belief in cultural superiority
Classification Overall 4 classifications of wine, and also four classes of people: –Haute bourgeoise – aristocrats –Petite bourgeoisie – white collar workers –Moyennes – middle class –Populaires - workers People know their place, but do not feel inferior to others
Outsiders are countenanced but not readily embraced. Rules, regulations – there is a certain, proper way to do something (same with wine making). Politeness, attention to detail. Little fluidity crossing class lines. Centralized social structure, including government – tight control of institutions – high level of centralization Low risk takers. Want to know you intimately.
Highly individualistic; very feminine (quality and pace of life are important – “All good wine in its own time.”) Innate restlessness to explore every nook and cranny of an issue in conversation. They can be argumentative, quick to criticize. Family is very important, as are close friends. Long, deep conversations with close relations Little contact / conversation with others. Children must be brought up properly. To learn respect. They must be civilized by parents. Women are seen as equal but different than men. Different roles. Composition Abrupt, spontaneous, relationship- oriented. Legally sanctioned work week of 35 hours. Accept high degree of power distance. Dislike uncertainty
Suitability Rules for everything Complicated but free government and politics Immigration The Maturation Process Controlled education; maturity must be attained for the child to progress through grades. Skills must be demonstrated. More than anything, social status determines one’s future. French are critical of the way Americans make and discard friends.