Bottling Innovation: Increasing the Profile and Profitability of Viticulture & Oenology in Canada Donald Ziraldo Thursday, May
Brock University CCOVI Research Labs
Brock University in Niagara Cool Climate Oenology/Viticulture Institute opened July 11,1999 Degree Program Post Graduate research “Stage” (co-op program) Research scientists
Industry-Led Applied Research Tourism & Hospitality research Production Winery for teaching and research Wine Education Centre: Vineyards & Viticulture Research Greenhouse & Photonics Research
Organized in 2000 Industry, academics and scientists Coordinates all grape and wine research “Grape and Wine Research Foundation” established in 2007 for funding
Secretariat formed 2007 Officially announced Ottawa May 10 Currently BC and Ontario Focus is on national priorities: Genetic research Enology Icewine fermentation/yeast
(Vineland Research Station celebrated 100 th anniversary) The Niagara Cool Climate & Greenbelt Research & Innovation Centre Chair: Donald Ziraldo
A pest free (disease/insects) tender fruit, grape, floriculture industry. Cold hardiness plants (outdoors & under glass). A model for agri-food research & innovation centres A year-round supply of local produce Greenbelt think tank & socio-economic research team Enhancements in Culinary Tourism Bioactive compounds and neutraceuticals for health
A Research & Innovation Hub Convergence of Science, Market, Entrepreneurship VINELAND Tender Fruit/Grapes Floriculture Nursery/Landscape Greenbelt Culinary Tourism Impact on Research and Public Policy Impact on Ontario Economy Niagara College (Wine/Culinary Tourism, Floriculture) Brock University CCOVI McMaster University (Biosciences) University of Guelph (Food Sciences Research) Ontario Ag & Food Ag Canada Plant Genomics BioControl OCE
VINELAND Tender Fruit/Grapes Floriculture Nursery/Landscape Greenbelt Culinary Tourism Impact on Research and Public Policy Impact on Ontario Economy Niagara College (Wine/Culinary Tourism, Floriculture) Brock University CCOVI McMaster University (Biosciences) University of Guelph (Food Sciences Research) Ontario Ag & Food Ag Canada Plant Genomics BioControl OCE
Can drinking wine really be good for you? French Paradox: on CBS 60 minutes Three potential mechanisms: Antioxidants, Blood lipid fractions, Platelets Discovery of resveratrol
Research discovered that Resveratrol stimulates activity of sirtuin enzyme Sirtuin extends cell life span in yeast by 70% In humans, Sirtuin controls the aging and life span of a cell, promote cell survival, and are involved in DNA repair
Risk of Dying (Mortality) Number of Drinks Per Day 04
Anti-cholesterol Anti-viral Anti-heart disease Anti-inflammatory Anti-dementia Anti-cancer Blood pressure Blood sugar normalizing agent
May 4,07,Journal of Biological Chemistry Resveratrol found to kill human leukemia and lymphoma cells cultured in a lab The compound, a type of anthocyanidin left healthy blood cells alone
Pinot Grigio Riesling Pinot Noir Chardonay Sauvignon Blanc Cabernet Franc Merlot Syrah Table Grapes Cabernet Sauvignon Sangiovese Zinfandel Raisins CoolIntermediateWarmHot 13 – 16°C16 – 17°C 17 – 19°C19 – 24°C Climate Affect of +2°C Over 50 Years Bordeaux France More consistent ripening of Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Merlot in Bordeaux
Pinot Grigio Riesling Pinot Noir Chardonay Sauvignon Blanc Cabernet Franc Merlot Syrah Table Grapes Cabernet Sauvignon Sangiovese Zinfandel Raisins CoolIntermediateWarmHot 13 – 16°C16 – 17°C 17 – 19°C19 – 24°C Climate Affect of +2°C Over 50 Years Napa Valley California (partial desert conditions) Ultra-ripe fruit, dealcoholization common Napa
Pinot Grigio Riesling Pinot Noir Chardonay Sauvignon Blanc Cabernet Franc Merlot Syrah Table Grapes Cabernet Sauvignon Sangiovese Zinfandel Raisins CoolIntermediateWarmHot 13 – 16°C16 – 17°C 17 – 19°C19 – 24°C Climate Affect of +2°C Over 50 Years Predicted Changes to 2040 – 2060 for The Niagara Region (based on 30 years of data from Vineland) Niagara 2.5°C
Partners and Collaborators Remote Sensing and Weather Data Integrated On-line System for Vineyard Management
Monitoring the vineyard shows winter injury. Research uses various digital imaging techniques to analyze vineyard data.
Partners and Collaborators “Monitoring Winter Injury in the Vineyard and the use of wind machines”
Cold-hardiness of grapes. 6 European wine grape (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars. 2 locations in Niagara. Low-temperature exotherm (LTE) analysis. Ambient Air Temperature.
8°C 14°C Ice Wine Winter Injury
“People these days want fresh local produce, the provenance of food is becoming an ever more important aspect of the food we eat.” Chef Jamie Kennedy
Organic/Biodynamic Respect for the land Mimic nature Environmental stewardship(Greenbelt) Trickle down effect; reduce fuel miles Slow Food Sustainability of farmers Culinary tourism
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