Bottle Label Removal Machine, Wine Bottles Management Information System, Recycling Card
Population Distribution Distance to Established Markets Limited Volumes of Material Environmentalism (Social Movement/ Government’s Commitment)
Our Province has the opportunity to structure our Waste Management Program to meet N.L.’s unique needs
Local industry/ local recycling value adding, GHG reduction, cost predictability and sustainability, creates innovation, aligns with sustainable development strategies Transshipment Program most material is shipped out of NL
Over 2.5 million wine and liquor bottles imported into N.L. One-time use, crushed and sent to N.B. Increased transportation costs have increased costs of bottles Local wine industry ready to change to recycled bottles Green Depots have a significant supply of wine bottles Preliminary research indicated that there was no industrial level process established for the reuse of wine bottles
To develop an industrial-level process to support the sanitization, de-labeling, recycling and reuse of glass beverage containers.
Federal / Provincial R&D and Business Support programs Industrial Development programs at Memorial University and College of the North Atlantic
National Research Council Matchmaker with CONA’s Industrial Engineering Program Cost shared with EGE, two small research projects Supported EGE’s research of the marketplace on this initiative
MMSB Provided information aiding EGE’s understanding of the volume of wine bottles available in the Green Depot Network Receptive to recycling (reuse) wine bottles in this manner
CONA’s research indicated that an enhanced engineering capability was required NRC performed matchmaking role with Memorial and funded 3 rd research study Memorial University, Facility of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Industry Outreach Group Report provided a solution for industrial level label removal process and a conceptual machine design
EGE received investment required for Memorial to develop the prototype ACOA, Business Development Program MMSB, Waste Management Trust Fund under the Solid Waste Management Innovation Program MMSB approval that wine bottles captured through the Green Depot network can be reused in this manner
Green Depots
Viewed Beverage container recycling as a retail experience rather than an industrial process Customer was at the centre of our business model (not the beverage container)
To manage the collection/accounting of 37 million containers, payment to customer of deposit refunds ($2 million annually) through $5-$10 transactions transactions per day) Opportunity to reduce or eliminate customer wait times Increase processing efficiency by reducing container counts (Based on 37 million containers reduction of 148,000,000 counts) Opportunity to improve customer service by improving management of accounts, enhanced marketing opportunities and increased customer confidence in the system
A fully integrated information technology and materials management system that provides a systematic process for sorters at recycling depots. EGE’s management system will provide a fully integrated process from sorting to point of sale, through inventory and into the accounting records. The ‘next generation’ feature is the “Recycling Card” which provides depot customers with access through a Web-based user interface, enabling them to access their account information and update their accounts via the Web.
No Government Investment EGE financed One of a kind system, patent pending Next stage is commercialization
Lengthy time period for R&D projects to reach this stage (Both projects in their 5 th year) Limited but accessible financing for R&D projects can have a significant impact Adding value to the recycled commodity at the local level can sustain a recycling program through the downturns in the commodity market Opportunities to export products and services