I S S Y 3 1 is organized under auspices of International Commission on Yeasts (ICY) Yeast Fermentation: from Genes to Application Aspects Home page: 9th – 12th October 2014 organized by:
Lund University, Sweden
Cornucopia is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network that started in February 2011, funded by the European Commision 7:th Framework Programme (FP7). Cornucopia is coordinated by Lund University (Sweden)
ISSY 31 F o c u s : Yeast fermentations: diversity, genes, enzymes, regulatory networks, evolution and applied aspects
V en u e
L a n t h i e r i P a l a c e has been recently renovated for 4 mill euro (through the EU and municipality funds)
Vipava, Vipava Valley, Slovenia research-centre/ research-centre/ research-centre/staff/ research-centre/staff/ hCcnUhttp:// hCcnU
How to reach us? The closest larger airports: preferably Venice (Italy) and Ljubljana (Slovenia), then train or bus or shuttle to Gorizia/Nova Gorica/Vipava, also Trieste (Ryanair) and Treviso (Wizzair) airports are good Accomodation: Nova Gorica hotels (shuttle bus to Vipava, app. 25 minutes), Venue: Vipava Lanthieri Palace
Accomodation Hotel Perla and Hotel Park in Nova Gorica =hotel Accomodation in 4 stars hotel: app. 68 euro/single room / night Dead-line for booking: late June 2014
Some of the confirmed speakers A. Goffeau (B) C. Abbas (US) J. Thevelein (B) J. Nielsen (SE) V. Passoth (SE) S. Dequin (F) S. Pretorius (AUS) T. Boekhout (NL) C. Compagno (I) A. Querol (SP) Wen-Hsiung Li (US/Taiwan) etc.
Preliminary program 1 We start on 9th October 2014 at 5 pm with a couple of key-note lectures and followed by a get together event (the venue will likley be in Hotel Perla, Nova Gorica). Then we have three intensive days, 10th – 12th, from 9 am to 7 pm: 9 am – noon: lectures lunch 2 – 4 pm: poster sessions 4 – 7 pm: lectures Lectures will be between 10 minutes (we will try to get as many young investigators to give a short talk as possible) to 45 minute, The official part will be closed on 12th October evening with a wine tasting event (at Lanthieri).
Preliminary program 2 Each of the three days will have one main topic: Carbon metabolism and yeast biodiversity, model organisms and evolution Gene expression and regulatory networks Applied topics (wine and beer fermentations, heterologus production, biofuels)
Preliminary program 3 Food aspects: on 9th October evening there will be a banquet (included in the registration fee); for lunch and dinner: there are plenty of small restaurants around (walking distance of 50 – 500 m), an average lunch cost is app. 6-7 euro (participants select and pay themselves); on 12th October evening there will be wine tasting and dinner at the Lanthieri Palace (included in the registration fee);
R E G I S T R A T I O N Dead-line for registrations and abstracts will likely be late June 2014 The meeting has an upper limit of 200 participants
Sightseeing: Postojna Cave one of the most famous underground caves
Sightseeing: Piran a pearl on the Adriatic coast
Sightseeing Just after the official part, on 13th October 2014, we will organize an optional whole day trip to the Postojna cave and Piran, alternatively also Ljubljana, Gorizia and Trieste (depending on your interest)
Registration fee Registration fee will cover: bus shuttle, Venice/Ljubljana airport – Vipava Valley and back; daily bus shuttle, Nova Gorica – Vipava; 9th and 12th October evening events (including food and drinks); Coffee/tea breaks; The estimated fee is app. 300 euro but will be finalized in the autumn of 2013
P r o g r a m O r g a n i z e r s J. Piskur and his LU group EU Cornucopia consortium UNG (Wine Research Centre) ”local” (Alpe-Adria) yeast community Secretaries: Dr. Birgitte Munch-Petersen and Dr. Lorena Butinar
I S S Y 3 1 under auspices of International Commission on Yeasts (ICY) Yeast Fermentation: from Genes to Application Aspects 9th – 12th October 2014 Vipava, Slovenia ( ) organized by: home page: