Lesson 21 Christian confession and Communion
Xp Confession Psalm 51: I need to confess my sin, turn from it and trust that because of Jesus, I’m forgiven. 2. I will confess all my sins, even those I’m not aware of.
Psalm If I’ve sinned against a person, I need to confess to that person and ask for forgiveness. 4. I may confess any sin that troubles me to my pastor or Christian friend.
Why Jesus Gave The Lord’s Supper 1. As remembrance of his death, by which to build faith. Read: 1 Cor 11:25 p. 1136
2. Especially as a personal covenant (promise) of forgiveness. Read: Matthew 26:28 p. 965
6 The Israelites were slaves in Egypt. To free them from slavery (which was a symbol of sin) in order to eventually bring them to the Promised Land (which was a symbol of heaven), God sent Moses to bring Ten Plagues on Pharaoh and Egypt. The Tenth Plague, called the Passover, set the Israelites free. Read about the Passover in Exodus 12:1-7.
7 There are more aspects about the Passover, to take note of: including the unleavened bread. Read about the Passover in Exodus 12:8-23.
8 For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed (1 Corinthians 5:7).
What Elements do we receive in Lord’s Supper? Read: Matt 26:17-28
1. …unleavened bread and grape wine.
Read: 1 Cor 10:16 p Cor 11:27 p Jesus’ actual body and actual blood “in communion” with the bread and wine.
BodyBlood BreadWine BodyBlood BreadWine BibleRoman Catholic Reformed Real Presence Transub- stantiation Represent- ation
BodyBlood BreadWine a. All four elements are really present. Bible Real Presence
BodyBlood Roman Catholic Transub- stantiation b. The wrong belief of changing the bread into Christ’ body, and wine into Christ’s blood. Bread and wine no longer exist.
BreadWine Reformed Represent- ation c. The wrong belief that nothing special happens: the bread only represents the body and the wine only represents the blood.
Other Questions: # 1 Possibly, but Jesus used wine and unleavened bread.
# 2 No
# 3 The sacrament is primarily what God does for us, not what humans are doing for God.
# 4 We’re told to eat and drink, not worship the elements.
# 5 Anyone who is properly called to do so.
# 6 Generally, as often as it is offered.
# 7 A good time for prayer and meditation.
# 8 Private communion
End of Lesson