Makes rich!
Every country has its own… -Traditions -Habits -Religion -Ethnicity -History
Vintages in Sanislau Beltiug
-pick the grapes -collect them in crates.
Grape crusher
Transported in a cellar crushed and bottled for years
Party after working hard. Hosts organize a ball where there are raffles, they sell local traditional drinks, and of course wine.
Interview How are you preparing for the ball? -going by drays, singing through the village -selling wine -dancing -inviting people
Which is the best part of the night? -bidding the most part of the decoration -dancing -the show -tasting wine Who is this event financed by? -by keepers - Some companies from the village
Wine festival Beside the tasty drinks people had the possibility to eat traditional Kraut foods like: strudel, noodle, traditional sausages, liverwurst and other delicacies. 17 August 2013 was the first time when this festival was put up, where the visitors could taste only ordinary wines: Nachbil, Familia Hetei and Kreutzbil.
St. Urban’s day Every year on 25th May, both young and old people walk to the chapel, where they pray together with the village’s priest for a good and rich crop.
St. Martin
Made by: Enyedi Bernadett Groszhart kathrin Szekely Geraldina Szilagyi Erzsebet Tepfenhart Kerstin Coordinated by: Anderco Aida Graur Maria