Alaska King Crab Research, Rehabilitation & Biology Program An Introduction Presented by Celeste Leroux University of Alaska Fairbanks School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences Alaska Sea Grant College Program
The AKCRRAB Science Team Ginny EckertUAF/UAS Brad StevensU. Mass. Dartmouth Brian AlleeAlaska Sea Grant Jeff HetrickAlutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery Sara PersselinNOAA NMFS Celeste LerouxUAF/Alaska Sea Grant Ben DalyAlaska Sea Grant Jim SwingleAlaska Sea Grant
Background – Red King Crab Fishery
Background – Blue King Crab Fishery
Early Enhancement Activities in Alaska 1992 International King Crab Rehabilitation and Enhancement Symposium 1990s-2000s Extensive research by Dr. Brad Stevens in Kodiak and Japan 2000s Continued research by NMFS Kodiak 2006 Alaska Crab Stock Enhancement and Rehabilitation Workshop Small scale experiment setup S. Persselin and B. Stevens, Kodiak AK
AKCRRAB - Structure Steering Committee Science Team Partnerships Research collaborators Advisory Board
Crab and Lobster Enhancement Initiatives -A Few Examples- Swimming crab, Japan Red King Crab, Japan American Lobster, New England
Crab and Lobster Enhancement Initiatives -A Few Examples- Blue crab, Chesapeake Bay –Excellent model for investigating feasibility of enhancement European lobster, Norway –Commercial sea ranching very successful
Prezoea Crab Instar 1Glaucothoe Zoea 4 Zoea 3Zoea 1Zoea 2 Egg –Day 1 Egg – Day 395 King Crab Life Cycle
Female with extruded eggsMating behavior Juvenile ‘podding’ behaviorAdult solitary behavior
Broodstock Collection St. Paul, Pribilof Islands November 2006 Alitak Bay, Kodiak July 2006 Anchorage Seward
Hatchery Setup Alutiiq Pride Shellfish HatcherySeward Marine Center
Hatchery Setup – Larval culture Larval Rearing Modules at APSH Flow-through system Conical bottom tanks Circulation with air stones Uniform lighting of tanks
Larval Rearing – Food Production Algae production 24 hr. old Artemia nauplius Artemia sp. production Isochrysis galbana algae Artemia sp. (brine shrimp)Algae
AKCRRAB 2007 Experiments Red King Crab Larval diet study Larval density hatchery trials Blue King Crab Larval diet/handling stress study Larval density study Juvenile trial rearing Water quality investigation P. Platypus ZIs swim in Petri dish
RKC Larval Rearing Diet Study March 7, 2007 – May 3, 2007 Purpose: To test effect of algae or diatom enrichment on RKC larval survival and growth to glaucothoe stage. Diet Treatments: Isochrysis galbana Tahitian strian (T-ISO) Pavlova lutheri (PAV) Thalassiosira pseudonana (3H) No enrichment, Artemia sp. only (Art.) P. camtschaticus ZI
RKC Larval Rearing – Survival
BKC Larval Handling Stress/Diet study May 14, 2007 – June 12, 2007 Purpose: To test effects of live algae vs. algae concentrate as dietary enrichment and effect of handling stress on BKC larval survival and growth to the glaucothoe stage. Treatments: Diet:Live T-ISO Concentrate T-ISO Handling: Once per zoeal stage No handling P. platypus ZIs
BKC Larval Rearing - Survival
RKC & BKC – Growth
Larval Rearing Survival - Discussion ConcernCourse of Action Water QualityMonitor for hydrocarbons Microbiological contaminationMonitor for Vibrio bacteria Temperature fluctuationImprove water system Excessive aerationDecrease aeration Nutritional deprivationFatty acid analysis & Further diet investigations
Other Hatchery Studies Larval rearing density studies Water quality investigations Juvenile trial rearing Pathology & Genetics Larval fatty acid analysis Larval growth measurements Ongoing Projects
2007 Research Findings Summary Hatchery scale red and blue king crab larval and juvenile rearing is possible. Tremendous accomplishment in areas of technology transfer, hatchery setup, preliminary research and baseline data. Need to refine setup in identified ways to improve survival, as expected. P. camtschaticus glaucothoe
AKCRRAB Long-term vision Artificial Propagation Habitat Studies Genetics & Pathology Goal: Assess biological & economic feasibility of red and blue king crab population rehabilitation through ocean ranching.
Thanks Alaska Sea Grant College Program AKCRRAB Science Team & Steering Committee NOAA Aquaculture Program NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service UAF School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery Alaska Department of Fish and Game United Fisherman’s Association Central Bering Sea Fisherman’s Association United Fisherman’s Marketing Association …and all of our supporters nationwide
Questions Red king crab (P. camtschaticus) eggs, Seward, Alaska