Los verbos reflexivos Objective: To be able to talk about your daily routine. Getting ready for a special event.
In this presentation, we are going to look at a special group of verbs called reflexive verbs Let’s start out by thinking of the English verb to wash.
There are two ways to talk about washing in Spanish First, to wash something else I wash my clothes I wash the car Second, to wash part of one’s body. I wash my hands I wash my hair
I can wash things that are not part of me. In Spanish, we say: Yo lavo el carro. The action of the verb goes to the car.
I also wash my body and things on my body: hands, face, hair… I wash my hands. In spanish we say: Me lavo las manos.
If you are washing something that is attached to your body, you need to use reflexive pronouns.
menos teos se
me lavonos lavamos te lavasos laváis se lavase lavan The endings are still the same. In this case these are endings for regular “ar” verbs in the present tense.
Sue bathes herself. reflexive pronoun subject Sue Sue se baña. reflexive pronoun subject
Joe shaves himself. reflexive pronoun subject Joe Joe se afeita. reflexive pronoun subject
The reflexive pronoun goes before the conjugated verb.
YoNosotros TúVosotros El/Ella/Ud.Ellos/Ellas/ ustedes me ba ño Nos ba ñamos te ba ñas os ba ñáis se ba ña se ba ñan
Me acuesto Nos acostamos te acuestasos acostáis se acuestase acuestan