The Need For BRDs (Bycatch Reduction Devices) Project Terrapin Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science (MATES) 195 Cedar Bridge Road, Manahawkin New Jersey 08050
Social Problem Species dying worldwide from human industrialization Many varieties of human destruction Bycatch
Crab Pot Design and Issue Bendable openings Species cannot escape Drowning Law: 72 hours Diagram of a basic crab pot
Abandoned “Ghost Pots” that could contain drowned terrapins and other non-targeted species. “Ghost Crab Pot” found with 94 dead terrapins in Georgia Derelict “Ghost” Crab Pots
BRD Team “Ghost Pot” Searches
Why New Jersey Densest populated state Commercial & recreational crabbing ◦ Barnegat Bay Estuary ◦ Delaware Bay Estuary ◦ New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Billion dollars ◦ Tourism ◦ Fishing ◦ Crabbing
Why This Species? Bio-indicators Proliferation of species Species of concern Late maturity Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin )
Other Bycatch Spider crabs Conches Summer and winter flounder Pufferfish “...approximately 250,000 derelict “ghost” traps are added to the Gulf of Mexico each year” ("National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration")
BRD: Bycatch Reduction Device Prevent larger species from entering crab pots Easy to install Cost-effective Can be made to fit any size A BRD attached to a commercial-style crab pot
Impact of BRDs Lower bycatch mortality Mandatory in Maryland on all crab pots Scientifically proven to not decrease crab capture rates
How to Use a BRD 1. Put the BRD over the opening of the crab pot 2. Fasten with wire ties 3. Ready to use!
Goal Reduce the number of species killed from human development Female diamondback terrapin drowned in a crab pot without BRDs in Ocean County, NJ
BRD Initiative & Local Support Founded: November 2009 Newspaper articles: The Sandpaper, Asbury Park Press Signatures: 5,000+ Facebook Cause “Saving the Diamondback Terrapin” members: 500+
Public Opinion Letters of support From local communities Local Stores L & H Woods and Water Lacey Marine Local schools Project Terrapin Calendar Contest Brought awareness of the use of BRDs to children and adults Afterschool Outreach Local Presentations LBI Foundation of the Arts and Sciences, LBI Rotary, Tuckerton Seaport, NJ Endangered & Non-game Species Council, Boy Scout Troops, Fish Hawks
Statistics on Crab Catch “Contrary to the substantial effect on terrapins, BRDs had little to no effect on crab catch” (Rook et al. 2010)
Statistics on Terrapins Presence (Rook et al. 2010)
Synopsis Animals are drowning BRDs can save lives Maryland has already passed a law Cost-effective
Links Bycatch Reduction Device Team Website: Saving the Diamondback Terrapin Cause: Project Terrapin Website: bulletinboard.html bulletinboard.html
Contact Dr. John Wnek ◦ Anthony Bucci III ◦
How to Help 1. Promote the use of BRDs! ◦ The more everyone knows, the more you can help. 2. Use a BRD! ◦ If you have a crab pot…use a BRD! 3. Let’s not repeat the same mistake that others have. Take a stand to protect our local species and preserve our ecosystems!
Sources (2005). The Barnegat Bay Beat, 4(2), Retrieved from Blanvillain, G, Schwenter, J, Day, R, Christopher, S, Roumillat, W, & Owens, D. (2005). Using diamondback terrapins, malaclemys terrapin, as sentinel species for monitoring mercury pollution in estuarine systems. Allen Press, Retrieved from Butler, J, & Heinrich, G. (2005). Noaa project final report. Retrieved from Diamondback Terrapin Working Group. (2004). Retrieved from Chesapeake bay glossary. (2009, February 17). Retrieved from Fisheries technical report. (2009, December 09). Alaska Sea Grant. (2009, February February). Ghost pots: arctic science journeys radio. Retrieved from stpots.html stpots.html National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (n.d.). Gulf of mexico derelict crab trap problem. Retrieved from Hart, M, Kristen, C, McIvor, Carole, King, Tim, & Crowder, Larry. Integrating ecology and genetics to define population extent for a continuously-distributed species, diamondback terrapins (malaclemys terrapin). (2007). Retrieved from Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Keep Terrapins and other air-breathing animals out of your crab pots. Retrieved from NOAA. (2009, February 17). Marine debris program - projects. Retrieved from McFaden, F. (2008, May 8). New recreational crab pot requirements. Retrieved from More Crab pots for bay ok'd, but agency closing loopholes. (n.d.). The Virginian Pilot, Retrieved from html html
Sources Ccrbot. [Web]. Retrieved from rgy/graphics/Bimages/ccrbpot.jpg rgy/graphics/Bimages/ccrbpot.jpg Kaprolis, K. (n.d.). Lost crab pots still catching crabs. Retrieved from New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Fish and Wildlife. Retrieved from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Noaa news online (story 2693). Retrieved from 93.htm 93.htm Terrapin Conservation at the Wetlands Institute. Retrieved from Roosenburg, W, & Green, J. Impact of bycatch reduction devices on diamondback terrapins and blue crab capture in crab pots. (2000). Ecological Applications, 10(3), Roosenburg, W, Cresko, W, Modesitte, M, & Robbins, M. Diamondback terrapin (malaclemys terrapin) mortality in crab pots. (1997). Conservation Biology, 11(5), Salty Dog Tackle. (2006, June 03). Salty dog tackle-saltwater fishing tackle forum. Retrieved from U.S. Fish and Wildlife. State-wide crab trap removal program. Retrieved from 20Crab%20Trap%20Removal%20Program.htm Roosenburg, W. The Impact of crab pot fisheries on terrapin (malaclemys terrapin) populations: where are we and where do we need to go?. Conservation and Ecology of Turtles of the Mid-Atlantic Region,
Thank you for your time and we hope that you can help us change the world one terrapin at a time