Tiger Point, Munshiganj WELCOME to REE-CALL Tiger Point, Munshiganj Shyamnagar, Satkhira Prepared By Jewel Jetu
Implemented By: Shushilan Funded By: Oxfam GB
RESILIENCE REE_CALL Economic Empowerment Learning Climate Adaptation Leadership
Disaster & CC Why REE_CALL Climate Change is happening frequent and most victims of its effect are poor, loss more but unable to recover very fast. Coastal Areas are affected and impacted by Disaster and climate change most Most Affected Sectors are Water, Land, Agriculture, Health, Forest, Infrastructure, Energy, Transportation, Economy and also Disaster Management making burden to become resilient Both are increasing suffering, vulnerable livelihoods, hunger, and poverty, poor are becoming poorer to poorest, poorest are becoming the victims of losing their lives Both are making people misplaced, displaced and forced to migration, and exploitation, women are more vulnerable Women are in more vulnerable to DRR and CCA in terms of access, opportunity, rescue, recover and rehabilitation
Project Intervention Logics Policy implementation Households and community based supports and actions It is Important and Essentials Linking with economic and livelihoods and market Voices and leadership of poor specially of women and hardcore
Project Goal and Objectives Women and Men most at risk of disaster and climate change in Bangladesh are able to thrive in spite of shocks and change To develop replicable model of resilient community in three agro-ecological zones and linking with urban settings. To enhance and strengthen the livelihoods of targeted communities in changing climate. Develop community leadership specially of women ensuring access to and control over resources, services and opportunities OBJECTIVE
Result – 1 Project Strategies Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and local government institutions are able to anticipate possible impact of climate change, disaster and taking appropriate measures accordingly. CBOs formation and strengthened PCVA Annual Development plan Capacity building Community Volunteers Cooking and Drinking water ensured Public place and homestead raising Plantation Introduce saline resistance crop or seed Emergency stock Search and Rescue Team
Result – 2 Project Strategies Sustainable Income and employment options for women and men are created through access to services, natural resources and market link. Producer Groups Community based Marketing Extension Plan Value chain and Backward linkage for producing and marketing Capacity building on IGA and Income Options Linkage with FSP, Input suppliers and traders and traders’ association Business start up support Cattle/livestock support Introduce and demonstration of saline resistant crops
Result – 3 Producer Groups Project Strategies Result – 3 Effective and pro poor implementation of policy and legal framework (national to local) related to Agriculture, DRR, CCA and NRM. Producer Groups Meeting and linkage with UDMC and different committees of UP Capacity building training and awareness raising on their rights and entitlements Joint monitoring Advocacy
Result – 4 Project Strategies Strengthened collective and individual actions toward fulfilment of rights and entitlements vulnerable households and promoted transformational leadership of women and marginalized. Adolescent group and women group organized and mobilized Leadership capacity building Awareness meeting on domestic violence, and women rights Organize meeting on VAW with club, school- 3 Develop alliance Mobilize Change makers
Location: Baro Kupot Chhoto Kupot Henchi Magurakuni and Talbaria ; 5 villages of Atulia Union of Shyamnagar Upazila under Satkhira District
Beneficiary: Women : 3396 Men : 3481 Total : 6877 Total HH : 1487 Female HHH : 82
Significant Achievement Vegetable Plot Production Observation
Lesson learnt PCVA is the directive conduction to address DRR and CCA MOU sign with crab traders increased the producers’ access to information of market value Women’s involvement in IGA alternative beyond the agro-based reduced their income poverty and making the opportunities of becoming resilience The youth participation as change makers is very important for women leadership developed Alliance meeting involving CBOs has created the scope of sharing REE_CALL Working and coordination with UP ensured the women’s engage in 40 days work Crab fattening in cage culture made by Bamboo is praised worthy to the government Implementation of project activities by CBO decision made accountable and transparent to the community and increasing sustainability CBO leaders leading the local alliance and forum increasing Media monitoring the raised the local demands to national Preparing the poverty list is regarded as essential tool to ensure government service to perfect beneficiates
Challenges and Its Recover Political pressure sometimes make difficulties of UP representatives In CBO meeting, challenging of female participation was overcome by making positive roles of male’s participation towards the women’s voices Relief based thinking in the community was challenges to development work It was difficult to involve women’s in crab fattening due to community’s negative perception but recovered by showing benefits and easy work in crab fattening in case culture Mitigation of forced migration due to scarcity of work /lack of job opportunities
Opportunities Most of the elected UP Chairman and members are very positive towards the project’s programmes, UNO, locally elected bodies, teachers, Private sector, service providers and civil society are supportive towards bringing change in climate change adaptation of the beneficiaries. CBOs have collective powers Community mobilization to ensure their basic service and access to government services in participatory ways. External and internal programme visits and sharing their experience and knowledge to increase higher impact of the project, and ensure the recognition of programme model. Young people’s participation, especially search and rescue team in disaster preparedness, DRR, and to protect violence against women and children. To increase positive roles of religious leaders and individual service providers (doctors, teachers, birth attendants, community health promoter, nurse, etc.) in the project programmes and their impacts. To increase political commitment of political leaders. Other projects support for providing training, experience and knowledge sharing for Crab culture/fattening. To increase mobilization, capacity building, and social-cultural and economic empowerment of youths, and dropped out children/adolescents for their future security To develop contingency plan and its smooth Implementation in community
Meeting with Crab Collector Crab Cage Culture Meeting with Crab Collector