Critters A Study in Design Patterns
Design Patterns Not specific algorithms or data structures A general reusable solution to a common problem
Design Pattern for Cooking Find recipe Collect ingredients Prepare ingredients Combine ingredients Apply heat Present
Critters Have a very specific design pattern Critter questions test to see if you know it and respect it Also use ArrayLists
Does it matter? 60% of GridWorld free response questions have been based on Critters 2008: OpossumCritter 2009: StockpileCritter 2010: GridChecker 2011: AttractiveCritter 2012: RetroBug And GridWorld is 25% of free response.
The Critter Pattern Critters are Actors that do 5 steps: Get a list of all neighbors Process their neighbors Get a list of possible locations to move to Pick a location to move to Move to that location In this order, always.
Big Things to Remember Don’t override act Critters can only change their state in processActors or makeMove Critters can only change the state of others in processActors Pay attention to postconditions (in the quick reference)
Specific Critters: Default Critter If you just put a Critter in a World, what does it do? getActors: collects the neighbors, the (up to 8) Actors in surrounding cells public ArrayList getActors() { return getGrid().getNeighbors(getLocation()); }
The Default Critter Processing the neighbors: eats the ones that are not Critters or Rocks public void processActors(ArrayList actors) { for (Actor a : actors) { if (!(a instanceof Rock) && !(a instanceof Critter)) a.removeSelfFromGrid(); }
An aside: instanceof? A Java boolean function item instanceof type Is the item a type? With inheritance, some items can be many things: BoxBug buggy = new BoxBug(); buggy instanceof BoxBug true buggy instanceof Actor true buggy instanceof Critter false
The Default Critter Get a list of next locations: pick the locations around the critter public ArrayList getMoveLocations() { return getGrid().getEmptyAdjacentLocations(getLocation()); }
The Default Critter Pick a next location from the list at random, if there is one. Otherwise, use your current location. public Location selectMoveLocation(ArrayList locs) { int n = locs.size(); if (n == 0) return getLocation(); int r = (int) (Math.random() * n); return locs.get(r); }
The Default Critter Move to the selected location (and don’t do anything else, like leave a flower) or die if there is no location. public void makeMove(Location loc) { if (loc == null) removeSelfFromGrid(); else moveTo(loc); }
Variations on the theme: The ChameleonCritter Chameleons behave by: Not eating neighbors Changing color to match a neighbor if there is one Facing in the direction they move
The Chameleon Which methods must be overridden to do this? getActors? processActors? getMoveLocations? selectMoveLocation? makeMove?
The Chameleon Which methods must be overridden to do this? getActors? No processActors? Yes: change the color instead of eat getMoveLocations? No selectMoveLocation? No (see postconditions) makeMove? Yes: change direction
The Chameleon Code for the chameleon just has these two methods overridden.
Variations on the theme: The CrabCritter Crabs behave by: Only eating neighbors in front of them Just moving left or right If they cannot move left or right, turning 90 degrees, left or right
The Crab Which methods must be overridden to do this? getActors? processActors? getMoveLocations? selectMoveLocation? makeMove?
The Crab Which methods must be overridden to do this? getActors? Yes: just the ones in front processActors? No getMoveLocations? Yes: just the right and left selectMoveLocation? No makeMove? Yes: turn if there is no move
The Crab Code for the crab just has these three methods overridden.
Variations on the theme: The OpossumCritter Opossums behave by: Playing dead if there are more foes than friends around it Changing color to match a neighbor if there is one Facing in the direction they move
The Possum Which methods must be overridden to do this? getActors? processActors? getMoveLocations? selectMoveLocation? makeMove?
The Possum Which methods must be overridden to do this? getActors? No processActors? Yes: count friends and foe and change color getMoveLocations? Yes selectMoveLocation? No makeMove? No
The Possum Since this was the first Critter free response question, students were told which methods to override.
Variations on the theme: The StockPileCritter StockPile Critters behave by: Using neighbors as energy Removing itself from the Grid if it runs out of energy
The StockPile Which methods must be overridden to do this? getActors? processActors? getMoveLocations? selectMoveLocation? makeMove?
The StockPile Which methods must be overridden to do this? getActors? No processActors? Yes: add the count to the total energy getMoveLocations? No selectMoveLocation? No makeMove? Yes: die if no energy
The StockPileCritter No framework was given (this is common with GridWorld questions now). Violating postconditions was costly.
Variations on the theme: The AttractiveCritter AttractiveCritters behave by: Moving every other Actor in the grid toward them
The AttractiveCritter Which methods must be overridden to do this? getActors? processActors? getMoveLocations? selectMoveLocation? makeMove?
The AttractiveCritter Which methods must be overridden to do this? getActors? Yes: evewry Actor in the Grid processActors? Yes: move them getMoveLocations? No selectMoveLocation? No makeMove? No
The AttractiveCritter Another free response with just a blank page.