Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism Debate Written and photographed by Sally Zhang, Sept 24, 2009
My trip to Tibetan Welfare School Tibetan Sherig Norbu Welfare School, located in Lajia, Qinghai, China, is funded by principal Sherig Norbu and a few non-profit organizations. There are over a thousand students in the boy’s and girl’s schools ages 7 to 25 years old. The students said they are simply happy with what they have, and thankful for being given an opportunity to receive education. One of the most exciting things I learned was the Tibetan Debate…
History of Tibetan Buddhism Debate Tibetan Buddhism Debate has more than a thousand years of history: – Originated from India’s scripture debate – Invented and established by an eminent monk, Chos Kyi seng ge, in 1073 in Tibet Tibetan Buddhism debate is a unique characteristic of Tibetan Buddhism: – One of the most important ways of studying Buddhism philosophy – Mastery of various Buddhist philosophical stances through debate is needed for a monk to be promoted to the next level Tibetan Buddhism debate is one commentarial tradition in Tibet: – debate technique is used throughout Tibetan education
Concept of Tibetan Buddhism Debate Composition: – Uses proposition, reason and metaphor to carry on logic reasoning and dialectics of Buddhism's religious doctrine Goal of debate: – To clear up suspicions through asking questions and to eliminate thoughts of evil by answering questions – To dispel contradictions one by one, eliminate all doubts, dig deep into philosophical ideas, obtain wisdom and discover true meaning
Significance of Tibetan Buddhism Debate It is an important means of measuring knowledge level, dialectical ability and thinking acuity. It helps debaters to expand the mind, develop analytical capability and gain internal clarity.
Techniques used in Tibetan Buddhism Debate Format of Tibetan Buddhism Debate: – Two parties : a defender (answers questions) and a questioner – Debate style : questioner stands and defender sits (most popular type) Defender can only answer “yes”, “no”, or “not sure”, or elaborate only when permitted Strict rules of behavior; no judge needed No time limit for each round Procedure of Tibetan Buddhism Debate: – Starts with a high pitched phrase and a clapping of the hands together – Questioner begins the questioning; defender answers “yes”, “no”, or “not sure” – Questioner raises doubts; defender present his thesis when permitted by questioner – When the questioner can cause the defender to make errors in his answering, the questioner wins – When the questioner cannot come up with any questions since he cannot find any flaws or weak points from the answers, the debaters switch positions
Motions and Gestures The robe slung over the left shoulder is a sign of respect Moving hand from behind the head to other hand and slapping it means to start asking questions Extending the hand further, symbolizing a liberation of unknowing
Motions and Gestures A slight touch of the head usually signifies an incorrect answer Stomping, clapping of the hands, or circling around the debater with Buddhist prayer beads also signifies that the debater lost
Tibetan Buddhism Debate at Tibetan Schools Buddhism debate technique is also used at Tibetan schools as a way for teachers and students to learn various academic subjects – Students become questioners and defenders to learn and review – By listening to the questions and answers between students, the teacher would know the progression and degree of students’ understanding of a subject – This way of teaching allows the students to actively think and analyze their knowledge