Renaissance Continued
Albrecht Durer? “German Leonardo”, due to his wider ranging interests. Traveled to Italy in 1494 to study techniques of Italian masters. Engravings- design on metal plate with acid, uses for reprints Jan van Eyck (ik)? Developed oil paint to last centuries, portrayals of townspeople and religious scenes
Pieter Bruegel (broy guhl)? Vibrant colors to portray lively scenes of peasant life Miguel de Cervantes? Spain 1600s, Don Quixote (kee hoh tay), mocks romantic notions of medieval chivalry. Produced best-known work of Spanish Renaissance literature
Johann Gutenberg? Mainz, Germany. Removable type, by 1500 more than 20 million volumes. William Shakespeare? 1590-1613 wrote 37 plays still performed today. Twelfth Night- laugh at young people in love. Richard III- power struggles of English kings. Romeo and Juliet- tragedy. Came up with 1,700 words. Work enriched the English language
Francois Rabelais? Monk, physician, Greek scholar, author. Used books to offer opinions on religion, education and others. Vernacular? Everyday language of ordinary people Utopian? Ideal society, perfect world
3. How did Durer help bring the Renaissance to northern Europe? Traveled to Italy in 1494, studied the Italian masters, and used their methods in his work
4. What themes did Erasmus and More raise in their writings? Erasmus called for reforms in the Church. He opposed ignorance and immorality while calling for open-mindedness and good will. More described an ideal society based on peace, harmony, communal living, hard work, education, and justice More Erasmus
5. What were three effects of the printing revolution? Books became more available More people became literate More people were exposed to new ideas
6. Why do you think the cultural flowering of the northern Renaissance did not begin until after economic growth had taken place? Before this time, people lacked wealth and leisure time for learning and the arts
Protestant Reformation? During middle ages the Church renewed itself from within. In 1500s new calls for reform unleashed forces that would shatter Christian unity Indulgence? Lessening of time spent in purgatory
Martin Luther? 1517, German monk and professor of theology who triggered revolt against Church. Tried to lead holy life but always led to believe doomed to eternal damnation Recant? Give up views, take back ideas
Peace of Augsburg? 1555, allowed each Luthern prince to decide which religion, Catholic or Lutheran, would be allowed. Northern Germany states chose Lutheranism while south remained largely Catholic
John Calvin? Logical, razor sharp mind on Reformation. France, priest and lawyer. Believed salvation gained through faith alone. Bible only source of religious truth. Preached predestination? Idea that God had long determined who would gain salvation. 2 kinds of people, saints and sinners
Theocracy? Government run by church leaders Huguenots? French Calvinists John Knox? Scotland, Calvinist preacher who led religious rebellion. Overthrew their Catholic Queen and set up Scottish Presbyterian Church.