INTRODUCTION The sacred tradition of faith had been passed on from generation to generation orally and later on through reading and listening to the Word of God
Literal Meaning LEXIO= Reading Divina in ecclesiastical Latin does not mean divine but sacred L EXIO DIVINA = Sacred reading
It is a reading of a more or less lengthy passage from the Sacred Scripture, simultaneously listening to the text in the context and to God who is speaking through the text. This reading with an attitude of openness to the Holy Spirit would lead to meditation, prayer and contemplation.
In the fifth century a Carthusian monk, Guigo called Lexio Divina a ladder that has four steps by which one could ascend from earth to heaven
St. Benedict, in the early sixth century wrote in his rulebook that each monk should spend several hours a day reading or listening to books being read. Listening to the Word was seen as a source of spiritual energy, which was able to put the monk in contact with God thus causing transformation in their lives.
STEP 1- LEXIO It is an attentive and understanding reading. With reverence and eagerness pay attention to what God wants to tell you. “Speak Lord your servant is listening.” (1 Sam 3,9) To hear the entire speaker one needs to be attentive to the feelings of the speaker.
Read the text carefully- seek something new God wants to communicate to you- read several times- read it aloud so that you read and hear. It is also good to write down the text on a sheet of paper.
Analyze the text- Active and passive characters- look for places and times mentioned- purpose of the text, its literal form (teaching, poem, quotation) - Key words and synonyms
Look for voice of the narrator and speech of the characters- begin with a particular reference and end with the same. E.g. Mk 10, 46 – 52 “on the way” -Identify the context by paying attention to hook words (in those days, after that) -Check cross references and footnotes.
STEP 2. MEDITATIO (Meditation) In meditation mind reflects on some Christian truth, or passage or an experience with aim of reaching fuller understanding. Using the faculty of fantasy enter in to the story depicted in the passage
STEP 3. ORATIO (Prayer) This prayer is a spontaneous cry of our inner self in response to our experience in the meditation of the text. Certain phrases may be repeated.
STEP 4. CONTEMPLATIO (Contemplation) It is a form of prayer in which the mind does not function discursively but is arrested in a simple attention and one-pointedness. In order to enter into contemplation, take a comfortable posture. With pure desire for God, for God’s own sake remain in a serene repose in God’s Holy presence as much time as possible. Towards the end conclude contemplation with a short thanks giving.
CONCLUSION Lexio Divina effects in transformation of our outlook, our awareness and attitudes. Our thoughts gradually become attuned to the thoughts of God (Is 55, 8). Gradually our eyes are opened to see life and situations as God sees. Lexio Divina leads people to action and empowers people to be doers of the word of God.