St Andrew Christianity in Scotland
St Andrew Learning Intentions To learn about who St Andrew wasTo learn about who St Andrew was To learn about the SaltireTo learn about the Saltire To learn about St Andrew’s Day in Scotland and other countriesTo learn about St Andrew’s Day in Scotland and other countries
Who was St Andrew? Born between 5-10 AD near the Sea of Galilee, in Israel.Born between 5-10 AD near the Sea of Galilee, in Israel. Worked as aWorked as a fisherman fisherman Andrew becameAndrew became the first disciple – the first disciple – he was the man who he was the man who found the boy with the found the boy with the loaves and fish to feed loaves and fish to feed the the 5000.
Who was St Andrew? After the death and resurrection of Jesus, Andrew travelled around teaching about ChristianityAfter the death and resurrection of Jesus, Andrew travelled around teaching about Christianity He travelled to differentHe travelled to different places including Asia, Poland places including Asia, Poland and Greece and Greece
The Death of St Andrew Andrew was captured by the Romans in southern Greece, around 69 ADAndrew was captured by the Romans in southern Greece, around 69 AD Andrew asked to beAndrew asked to be crucified on a diagonal crucified on a diagonal cross cross He carried on talkingHe carried on talking about Jesus for 3 days about Jesus for 3 days until he died until he died
The Saltire This is why the Scottish flag is a Saltire – a white cross against a blue background.This is why the Scottish flag is a Saltire – a white cross against a blue background. The cross is theThe cross is the symbol of the death symbol of the death of Andrew of Andrew The blue is for the skyThe blue is for the sky
The Journey to Scotland St Andrew was buried in GreeceSt Andrew was buried in Greece 300 years later in 345 AD his bones were moved to300 years later in 345 AD his bones were moved to Constantinople Constantinople (now called (now called Istanbul, in Istanbul, in Turkey) Turkey)
St Rule Legend says that a monk called St Rule had a dream where an angel told him to take the bones of St Andrew to the end of the worldLegend says that a monk called St Rule had a dream where an angel told him to take the bones of St Andrew to the end of the world St Rule travelled with theSt Rule travelled with the bones and ended up bones and ended up shipwrecked in the place we know today as St Andrews shipwrecked in the place we know today as St Andrews
St Andrews A special chapel was built for the bones (relics)A special chapel was built for the bones (relics) In 1160 they were moved to the Cathedral ofIn 1160 they were moved to the Cathedral of St Andrews St Andrews St Andrews becameSt Andrews became a place of pilgrimage a place of pilgrimage
St Andrews today Today, the bones of St Andrew can be found in a cathedral in EdinburghToday, the bones of St Andrew can be found in a cathedral in Edinburgh The cathedral at St AndrewsThe cathedral at St Andrews is a ruin now, but there is a is a ruin now, but there is a plaque showing where the plaque showing where the bones were kept bones were kept The tower of St Rule can still be visited today, next to the cathedralThe tower of St Rule can still be visited today, next to the cathedral
St Andrew – Patron Saint King Angus dreamed a sign would appear and he would win the battle against the EnglishKing Angus dreamed a sign would appear and he would win the battle against the English In the morning a whiteIn the morning a white cross appeared in the sky cross appeared in the sky The Scots won the battleThe Scots won the battle From then on St Andrew and the Saltire were symbols of ScotlandFrom then on St Andrew and the Saltire were symbols of Scotland
St Andrew’s Day St Andrew’s Day is November 30 th, the day of his death.St Andrew’s Day is November 30 th, the day of his death. There are ceilidhs,There are ceilidhs, and traditional and traditional Scottish food – Scots all Scottish food – Scots all over the world celebrate over the world celebrate Saltire flags are alsoSaltire flags are also flown on many buildings flown on many buildings on this day. on this day.
St Andrew’s Day around the world St Andrew is also the patron saint of other countries, including Russia and GreeceSt Andrew is also the patron saint of other countries, including Russia and Greece Different countries haveDifferent countries have different traditions different traditions In Romania, people believeIn Romania, people believe St Andrew’s Day is a time to get rid of evil. Cloves of garlic are placed beside doors, windows and chimneys. St Andrew’s Day is a time to get rid of evil. Cloves of garlic are placed beside doors, windows and chimneys.
Activity Each person at your table will have a different fact fileEach person at your table will have a different fact file You have to choose the most important information fromYou have to choose the most important information from your fact file, and write it your fact file, and write it in your jotter in your jotter You have 10 minutes!!You have 10 minutes!!
Activity You are going to make a SaltireYou are going to make a Saltire Each part of the Saltire will contain your important information from your fact filesEach part of the Saltire will contain your important information from your fact files After yourAfter your information is on the Saltire, you may decorate it with drawings or photos