How to let the word of God transform us into fruitful trees
Last week’s lesson was about … How to build a STRONG relationship with God? Prayer Bible Meditation Fasting Commandments Then what … What should happen next?
Let’s consider ourselves TREES What does a tree need? Water Sun Air A healthy tree will have healthy roots, healthy trunk, healthy branches, healthy leaves and healthy FRUITS
Short Story: The Tree of Obedience St Jean the Short became a monk when he was 18 years old under the guidance of Anba Bemoa 1 st test: Casted out 7 times 2 nd test: the Tree of Obedience 3 rd test: Humiliate him Anba Bemoa said about him: “He is an ANGEL not a man”
Why is it necessary for us to read the Holy Bible and listen to sermons? Do we usually remember what we read? Or what the lesson is about? What was the Holy Bible about today? After I read the bible what should I do… Let’s listen to the Parable of the Sower to understand what should we do Fruits = Good Deeds
4 Soils = 4 Hearts
1 st Heart is a heart where the devil comes and takes away the Word of God from it. 2 nd Heart is a heart that get very happy when it hears the Word of God. But as soon as trouble comes (the sun) it forget all about it. 3 rd Heart is a heart that hears the Word of God but is too busy with TV, games, work, school, etc to do anything for God or His word. 4 th Heart is a heart that takes the Word of God, listens to it, and obeys it in his everyday life.
Short Story : Anba Bishoy He met our Lord Jesus Christ several times. So the other monks asked him if they can too meet with our Lord Jesus told him I will meet with you on top of a mountain on a specific day On that day a very old man asked everyone of the monks to carry him to the top of the mountain so he too can see Jesus but all refused as they didn’t want to get delayed Only Anba Bishoy who was very old accepted and carried that man who was becoming heavier and heavier then disappeared It was Our Lord Jesus Christ himself Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You. Psalm 119:11
Which HEART do I have? So, which HEART of these do I have? Lord Jesus wants us to be like the last batch, to listen to His word, to read it every day, and to use it in our lives. So when I hear a lesson about listening to my parents…what would the good soil people do?
Memory Verse “But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.” Matthew 13:23