Mandala is a Sanskrit word that means "circle". Both Hinduism and Buddhism to increase spiritual awareness. Mandalas symbolize the cyclical nature of the universe, and people often use them during meditation.
Mandala showing the Hindu god, Ganesh Mandala from Nepal
Tibetan monk making a sand mandala. Mandala in Buddhist culture.
Now, you will make your own mandala!
Requirements for Hindu Mandalas You must have 5 different pictures to symbolize 5 different Hindu beliefs we have learned about in class. Each belief must be labeled. Your mandala must be neatly colored and cut out (if using the outline given in class). You should use colored pencil to color your mandala; no markers or highlighters please.
Paragraph Requirements Language of the Discipline: You need at least one paragraph which explains each of the 5 Hindu beliefs you made pictures for on your mandala (minimum 5 sentences). Patterns: You need a paragraph which compares at least 3 patterns between Hinduism and any other religion we have studied this year. (minimum 5 sentences). Both paragraphs need to be either typed or neatly written in blue or black ink. Name(s)/period/appear on the upper right hand corner of your paragraphs.