“Three Musicians” (Pablo Picasso, 1921) 1.This colourful picture shows… 2.On the left, there is … 3.In the middle is…. 4.…stands on the right. 5. In many ways, … 6.The shapes are, … 7.The space… 8.The floor goes back further on the left than on the right, so the room seems lopsided. a)…a guitarist dressed as a harlequin (another kind of clown). b) … this is a confusing picture. c)…looks strange, too. d)…three musicians in old theatrical costumes. e)… a clarinet player wearing a white pierrot suit (a pierrot was a kind of clown), with a dog behind him. f)A singer in a monk’s robe… g)… overlap, so it is hard to tell where one thing stops and another starts.
“ Three Musicians” (Pablo Picasso, 1921) This colourful picture shows three musicians in old theatrical costumes. On the left, there is a clarinet player wearing a white pierrot suit (a pierrot was a kind of clown), with a dog behind him. In the middle is a guitarist dressed as a harlequin (another kind of clown). A singer in a monk’s robe stands on the right. In many ways, this is a confusing picture. The shapes overlap, so it is hard to tell where one thing stops and another starts. The space looks strange, too. The floor goes back further on the left than on the right, so the room seems lopsided.