Russia and the Commonwealth The Commonwealth of Independent States
One of the most important events of the 20th century was the breakup of the Soviet Union
The largest area of the world– under one government was: The Soviet Union
The Soviet Union was considered an enemy of the United States because of the fear of the spread of Communism
Tribes that once roamed the area that became the Soviet Union were: Slavic People
The most powerful of these tribes was the: Rus
The most important city in the early times of this area: Kiev
Religion brought to Russia about 850 AD: Christianity
Orthodox = Correct/Right
The Slavic people belonged to: The Russian Orthodox Church
Western Civilization means: Europe and the America’s
The leader of the Western world now: The United States
The Mongols invaded Asia and Europe around the 1100’s
One of their well known leaders was: Genghis Khan
The Russians called these invaders: Tartars
With the permission of the conquerors, Princes ruled the Russian cities
Ivan the Great challenged the Mongols, so they would leave the Russians alone
This man took the title of: Tsar (King)
Moscow then became the most important city in Russia
The Commonwealth of Independent States Reading: Page 4 Worksheet 2
The Slavic tribes earned their living as: farmers
Tartars destroyed the fields and killed the animals
The peasants who sold their labor became: serfs
The estates were owned by… next … The estates were owned by… next …
When a leader has complete control over the people, it’s called: an autocracy
Icons: religious paintings done on wood…
The peasants believed everything would be better for them: when they’d get to heaven
Peasant rebellion: people turning against their government Peasant rebellion: people turning against their government
The peasants who led rebellions: were punished or killed
The government and the Church did all they could to keep the peasants worn out
Vladimir Lenin later said: if they rose up, the peasants would have “nothing to lose but their chains”
The Russian people were ruled by tsars for almost 500 years.
Russia and the Commonwealth Reading: Page 6 Worksheet: 3
One of the worst Russian Tsars: Ivan the Terrible
The powerful Russian family who took over the rule of Russia The Romanovs (next slide) The Romanovs (next slide)
The tsar who traveled to Western Europe: Peter the Great
St. Petersburg became the new Russian capital
This new capital was called: The Window to the West
Peter the Great is remembered in Russian history because: he tried to move he tried to move Russia forward and Russia forward and make it like the make it like the rest of Europe rest of Europe
Russian women rulers were called tsarinas Peter I, Catherine I, Peter II, Anna, Elizabeth (tsars and tsarinas, ) Peter I, Catherine I, Peter II, Anna, Elizabeth (tsars and tsarinas, )
Catherine the Great Conquered a lot more land for her country Conquered a lot more land for her country
Catherine ruled during the “Age of Reason”
Reforms are: changes for the better
The Age of Reason It was better to use reason than force to rule the people. It was better to use reason than force to rule the people.
France during the Age of Reason The French had a revolution (12) The French had a revolution (12) King and Queen of France were beheaded (13) King and Queen of France were beheaded (13) Catherine was afraid the same thing might happen to her if she started reforms (14) Catherine was afraid the same thing might happen to her if she started reforms (14)
Russia and the Commonwealth Reading: Page 8 Worksheet: 4
Napoleon became the new leader of France (1) His ideas spread throughout Europe (2) His ideas spread throughout Europe (2) He invaded Russia He invaded Russia (3) (3)
The plan for burning Russia and driving the French away was called: The Scorched Earth (+next slide)…
(The terrible Russian winter also killed a lot of Napoleon’s soldiers)
The French invasion kept Tsar Alexander from making needed reforms in Russia
Abolished means: to do away with something
During the time of Alexander II, serfdom was abolished
Changing Russia’s Government? Alexander wanted a representative form of government (8) Alexander wanted a representative form of government (8) On his way to sign the papers to do so, he was killed (9) On his way to sign the papers to do so, he was killed (9)
The last Russian tsar: Tsar Nicholas II
Rasputin was an evil monk whom the tsarina brought to the palace
(#12) Terrible problems in Russia at this time People were starving People were starving Epidemics Epidemics Tsar had parties and enjoyed themselves Tsar had parties and enjoyed themselves World War I (#13) World War I (#13) No shoes No shoes Little clothing Little clothing No guns/ammunition No guns/ammunition
The Nobles plotted to kill Rasputin (+ next slide) Rasputin was led to the cellar and fed poisoned cakes and wine, but these did not affect him. Yusupovsky then shot the monk at point blank range and Rasputin collapsed on the floor. When Yusupov went to tell his fellow conspirators the good news, they sent him back to make sure he had done the job. On returning to inspect the body, Rasputin suddenly regained consciousness and started to throttle poor Yusupov, who needless to say was completely scared out of his wits. The Prince fled the cellar, screaming for help; when they returned Rasputin was gone. They found him in the yard crawling towards the gate and proceeded to shoot and bludgeon him. They then bound him and tossed him into the river. When Rasputin's body was found, his bonds were broken and his lungs were filled with water, showing that he didn't actually die until he was submerged in the frozen waters. Rasputin was led to the cellar and fed poisoned cakes and wine, but these did not affect him. Yusupovsky then shot the monk at point blank range and Rasputin collapsed on the floor. When Yusupov went to tell his fellow conspirators the good news, they sent him back to make sure he had done the job. On returning to inspect the body, Rasputin suddenly regained consciousness and started to throttle poor Yusupov, who needless to say was completely scared out of his wits. The Prince fled the cellar, screaming for help; when they returned Rasputin was gone. They found him in the yard crawling towards the gate and proceeded to shoot and bludgeon him. They then bound him and tossed him into the river. When Rasputin's body was found, his bonds were broken and his lungs were filled with water, showing that he didn't actually die until he was submerged in the frozen waters.
As things became worse: Nicholas knew he must resign as tsar
Nobles believed the best thing they could do: continue the war