By Parker
INTRO The Hawaiian monk seal’s scientific name is Monachus Schauinslandi. The Hawaiian monk seal is a mammal. Hawaiian monk seals live in warm reefs of Hawaii
SIZE AND SEAL PUPS The female seal is larger than the male. A Hawaiian monk seal feeds on fish, lobster, octopus, and squid. A mother seal can have up to one pup a year. The pups are 3 feet and 35 pounds when they are born.
ADAPTATIONS The Hawaiian Monk Seal is a very skillful swimmer and it has very powerful jaws to catch fish.
HABITAT The Hawaiian monk seal is critically endangered. It lives in the warm reefs and beaches of Hawaii and the Caribbean.
INTERRESTING FACTS The Hawaiian Monk Seal population is currently 1,000 individuals. The Hawaiian natives had their own name for the monk seal, lliholaika. The Hawaiian Monk Seal is known as the most primitive of all living seals The reason the monk seals are disapearing is mostly because of human enroachment. The mating season for Hawaiian Monk Seals is December to mid- August
HOW TO SAVE THEM If you ever go to a beach with wild seals DO NOT DISTURB THEM! Though they look cute and cuddly wild animals are dangerous………..EVEN BABIES.
ABOUT ENDANGERED ANIMALS Endangered animals are creatures that are disapearing. For example the arfican elephant is a endangered spieces because people are killing them for their horns. Many people are trying to save these rare animals by building wildlife reserves and signs in certain areas that say ‘NO HUNTING’ or ‘DO NOT DISTURB THE ANIMALS.’