Parts of a Sentence I’ll show you a sentence, you identify the indicated part!
Simple subject The stinky sock made my locker smell like the inside of a homeless man’s belly button. A simple subject is the single word which is the subject of a verb. The and stinky modify the sock.
Complete subject The study of different types of insect poop has always been a hobby of mine. The complete subject consists of all the words that tell whom or what a sentence is about.
Simple Predicate The students will listen with interest to the teacher’s lecture on different types of insect poop. (be careful!) The students will listen with interest to the teacher’s lecture on different types of insect poop. The simple predicate is the main word or word group that tells something about
Complete Predicate Are any of you having an allergic reaction to this grammar lesson? A complete predicate consists of a verb and all the words that modify the verb and complete its meaning.
Direct Object Gus learned to play the sitar while training to be a Buddhist monk. The direct object of a verb is the thing being acted upon (i.e., the receiver of the action).verb
Indirect Object Simon passed the chocolate-covered cicadas to Sally. The indirect object of a sentence is the recipient of the direct object.
Object Complement The chocolate-covered cicada made Sally nauseated. If Sally eats the cicada, will you consider her brave, or stupid? An object complement is a noun, a pronoun, or an adjective which follows a direct object to rename it or state what it has become.
Predicate Nominative Professor Emily Stackhouse, PhD, was the winner of the 2014 Teacher of the Year award. Ms. Stackhouse and Mr. Sackett are mortal enemies. A predicate nominative is a noun, pronoun, or other nominal that follows a linking verb.
Predicate Adjective Practical jokes are always funny as long as they happen to someone else. Yes, you do look fat. A predicate adjective is an adjective that follows a linking verb and modifies (i.e., refers back to) the subject of the linking verb.adjectivelinking verbmodifiessubject