What do you want to know about how an election works, how Parliament is created etc? Use the link below to see if you can answer these questions. Frequently asked questions about the Election
guide guide Use the link to look at the main priorities of each party, what the main aims of each party are. In groups present these to the What are the main priorities for each party?
Which of the priorities do you feel should be at the front for Britain today? Look through the pledges and decide which are the best to create your own manifesto. Create your own form manifesto
What do the promises actually mean? Are the promises always kept? Use the link to look at the reality of the manifestos Reality Check
Look at the polls each day to see who is leading. Check the newsfeed, what are the pledges made or news that will make us change our minds in the election? Keeping it current
On May 7 th there will be an election held here at Monk’s Walk School to determine who the school would vote for in a general election. Go to the Library to vote from 8.30am until 4pm. You will need to register to receive your ballot card You will cast your vote secretly Votes will be counted and the winner announced on Friday 8 th May Election Day