The Only Bastion of Civilization The Medieval Church
The Only Stable Institution in Europe The Church was the only aspect of people’s lives that remained and continued Literacy was kept up in the church, as many CLERGY members learned how to read “Clergy” refers to someone that worked for the church as a priest, monk, or nun
Monks and Nuns The word “monk” is taken from the Greek word meaning solitary or alone These men dedicated their life to God and lived in secluded settlements Believed the world was too evil to live in as a good Christian They prayed and worked And worked and prayed And then did some more praying And working
Ora et Labora Believed that their way of life would bring them to heaven See the haircut to the right? It’s called a “tonsure.” Why do you think they had this haircut? Spent countless hours reading and copying books (esp. the Bible) or doing manual labor Some of the only schools that existed were at monasteries
The Rule of Saint Benedict Vow of poverty. This meant he had to give up all his worldly goods. Vow of chastity. This meant he had to stay single. Vow of obedience. This meant he had to promise to obey the church and the rules of the monastery.
Every Part of the Day was Regulated!!!! 2 am!!!: religious services until dawn (by candle light), then return to bed to sleep for three hours 6 am: get up, services followed until 12 noon 12 noon until 5 pm: working on the farm (or in the scriptorium) 5 pm until 7 pm: more services, then straight to bed
Irish Monks Ireland became a safe haven for monks in the Dark Ages Venerable Bede (673 to 735) Spent entire life reading and copying manuscripts and books Made the term “anno Domini” popular First major history of England
Venerable Bede and the work of Irish monks Books by Irish monks were beautiful works Decorated –precious stones, gold leaf Hand sewn bindings Wooden covers Animal skin paper = vellum Future generations though angels made them