Title = War Justifiable What justifiable reasons exist for people to go to war? Which reasons would drive you to fight in a war? –Religious Freedom? –Civil Liberties (Bill of Rights)? –Defend your country from invaders? –Invade a country that is dangerous to yours? –Because your leader asks you to? –For pride in your country? –To prevent genocide? –To fight for your family, if your family was hurt –Drug Lords in Central America? –Others?
Analyze the causes and effects of the Wars of Religion Analyze the causes and effects of the French Civil War Judge the actions of Henry of Navarre during the war of the 3 Henries (Civil War)
~1550 to Main Struggles/Stories –French Civil War –Spain vs Netherlands + England –30 Years War –English Civil War
Reason 1… –To install your country’s religion and ways of life onto an inferior country –To defend your country from another country that wants to install its religion onto you Reason 2… –To defend your leader /country –To overthrow a leader who has accumulated too much power
5.How is this a war of… a.Politics … Who fights? (3) b.Religion… Who fights? 6.How does France look?
Who are they? What % of the population of France? –So why not crush them? They are a small group! –How else are they powerful? –Strongholds?
Another reason why this War of Religion will happen…why?
The Instigators The Instigators Religion…Religion… –Why is this a big deal? Relationship with the Huguenots?Relationship with the Huguenots? $$$ = ????$$$ = ????
Why are they powerful? Who is their “leader?” , what does the Bourbon and Guise families do?
August 24, 1572 The Massacre story starts with a wedding… –Who gets married? –Who arranged it…why? –Where is the wedding? –Who is invited? –Who is against the marriage?
Catherine de Medici makes what order? –Who persuaded her to do it? Why? –Who would perform the killings? Admiral Gaspard de Coligny 3000 Huguenots killed in 3 days –Started by military –Continued by… European reactions to the Massacre? –Whose reputation was ruined?
Is he killed too? Makes two promises/vows to save his life… What happens to the Huguenots?
They all have $$$…for what… What is this war over? Who is the most aggressive of the 3 Henries?
“Day of the Barricades”…May 1588 Duke of Guise leads the Catholic (Holy) League to accomplish this coup –What was it ↑? Which powerful King supported it? Henry III flees Paris Duke of Guise = Chief Administrator Cardinal de Guise (Henry’s bro) = Heir to throne
King Henry III lures Henry, Duke of Guise and Cardinal de Guise to his castle and has his guards assassinate themKing Henry III lures Henry, Duke of Guise and Cardinal de Guise to his castle and has his guards assassinate them Henry III still has to defeat…Henry III still has to defeat… –Who helps Henry III?
King Henry III assassinated by a monk in July 1589 –Why would the monk do this? Henry III gives the crown to Henry of Navarre on his deathbed –Asks Henry IV to do one more thing
1593, announces he is what religion? –Why do it? , Henry IV fights and finally beats a few enemies… –Retakes…
Edict of Nantes (1598) –It is meant to keep religious peace…so what is in it? (3) Who helps Henry IV uphold the religious peace? What did they focus on?
We just saw a situation in history where a politician changed his religion numerous times to save his life & gain political power. –Question 1…Was Henry of Navarre a coward or clever? –Question 2…Are there any situations where you would change your religion?