“I am not prepared to be a tsar. I never wanted to become one “I am not prepared to be a tsar. I never wanted to become one. I know nothing of the business of ruling.” - Tsar Nicholas II
Nicholas II 18 May 1868 Alexander Palace, Tsarskoye Selo, Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire His father had a strong influence on Nicholas, shaping his conservative and religious values, especially in an autocratic government. Educationally, he had many private tutors, including a high-ranking government official: excelled in history and foreign languages struggled to comprehend the subtleties of politics and economics. To make matters worse, his father failed to provide him with much training in affairs of state. At the age of 13, he became heir apparent when his grandfather (Alexander II) was assassinated by a revolutionary bomber. In that exact year, his father ascended the throne as Alexander II.
Military Russian Throne At 19, he joined the army where he spent three years in service. He spent three years in service before touring Europe and Asia for an additional 10 months. Developing an interest rose him to the rank of colonel. As he was the crown prince of Russia, he attended few political meetings except for those held by the state council and the committee of ministers. Russian Throne Inherited the throne on May 26th 1896, when his father (Alexander III) died of kidney disease died at the age of 49 on October 20th 1894.
First child: a daughter Olga, in 1895 Nicholas married Princess Alix of Hesse-Darmstadt (also known as, Alexandra) in November 1894, shortly after the death of his father. Together, they had: First child: a daughter Olga, in 1895 Second chid: daughter Tatiana, in 1897 Third child: daughter Maria, in 1899 Fourth child: daughter named Anastasia, in 1901. Fifth child: son named Alexei, in 1904 (haemophilia) Hypnotism used by monk Highly devoted and sensitive towards his family his journal entries, which were for log official affairs of state, focused on the likes of his family.
Successes on Conservative policies by the Tsar : The financial reforms was finalised, as soon as the restoration of gold standard occurred in 1897; strengthened alliance with France. The completion of the Trans-Siberian Railroad in 1902 helped Russians trade in the Far East but the railway still required huge amounts of work. Proposal of the Hague Peace Conference of 1899, in order to help promote peace in Europe.
War with Japan (1904-1905) Bloody Sunday 1905 Revolution and Duma Determined to expand his empire in Asia, his determinations provoked Japan who attacked Russia in 1904. The Russian army was defeated and humiliated by the Japanese causing Nicholas to be forced into peace negotiations. Note: Workers had long working hours, poor working conditions and little pay. Bloody Sunday In 1905, under the leadership of a priest named George Gapon, thousands of workers organized a march to the Tsar's palace to request for better working conditions. They believed that the government was at fault, but that the Tsar was still on their side. As the marchers peacefully advanced, soldiers from the army tried to block the bridge approaching the palace. The soldiers fired into the crowd killing many of the marchers. The actions of the soldiers came as a surprise and Russians could no longer trust the Tsar. 1905 Revolution and Duma Many Russians began to revolt against the Tsar's government, which forced Nicholas to create a new government with an elected legislature (the Duma), which would help him rule.
World War One Russia entered World War I on the side of the Allied Powers (Britain and France) in 1914, so fought against the Central Powers (Germany, Ottoman Empire, and Austro-Hungary). Millions of peasants and workers were forced to join the army and fight with little training, no shoes, and little food. Due to the lack of preparation, some were even told to fight without weapons. The army was defeated by Germany at the Battle of Tannenburg. Nicholas II took over the command of the army, which caused the death of millions of peasants; due to the ineffectiveness of the Russian leaders.
The February Revolution Led by Vladmir Lenin and the Bolsheviks, Russian peasants and the working class people revolted againt the government of Tsar Nicholas II in the early 1917. The Tsar ordered the army to supress the riot, however the soldiers refused to fire on the Russians. This led the army to turn against Nicholas II, therefore caused him to descend from throne. The Petrograd Soviet (representing the workers and soldiers) and the Provisional Government (traditional gov. without the Tsar) took over. Death Nicholas II and his family were held as prisioners in Yekaterinburg, Russia and exceutec by the Bolsheviks on July 17, 1918
Weaknesses and Failings In terms of his personal relationship– his wife was the dominating character (already showing a weakness in the personal life), therefore had an impact in other aspects of his life (e.g. February Revolution). Inability to dominate events and take charge: Coronation ceremony in 1894 Large crowds gathered and police forced their way through for Nicholas Nicholas and Alexandra attended the ball, regardless of the horrific incident that occurred 1,300 people were crushed to death and many more injured Became known as ‘The Khodynka Tragedy’ Poor handling of the Bloody Sunday led to opposition of a revolution and death. less sensitive Poor preparation for World War One caused them to be defeated by Germany.