Craig E. Marlow 8248 Hidden Forest Drive, Holland, Ohio Phone Fax Cell “Offering you the finest environmental contracting services, products & remedial technologies available”
Craig E. Marlow 8248 Hidden Forest Drive, Holland, Ohio Phone Fax Cell CES was formed in 2001 to provide an easy resource between those in need of remedial support services and those qualified companies that can provide the equipment, technology and/or contracting services necessary to complete the task at hand. 20+ years personal experience in the environmental remediation business has given me the experience and insight to identify and form partnerships with contractors and technologies that have the health & safety records, insurance and qualifications for any site and client. Projects throughout North America with a concentration of services within the Great Lakes Region. CES is striving to find the highest quality of services and technologies to offer a viable option for any environmental remediation project. CES Company Overview
Craig E. Marlow 8248 Hidden Forest Drive, Holland, Ohio Phone Fax Cell CES Contracting Services Rapid Response Remediation Systems Above/Below Grade Installation O & M Services Panel design/installation Carbon change outs Landfill Cell construction Cap construction Methane/Leachate collection const. Waste excavation & relocation Flare installation Brownfield redevelopment Site Remedial activities Haz/non haz soil excavation Dewatering Below grade pipe installation MGP site clean up Lagoon closures Sewer/Pipe lining (CIPP - Cured in Place Piping) Permeable barrier wall installation Superfund clean up Abatement Asbestos abatement Mold abatement
Craig E. Marlow 8248 Hidden Forest Drive, Holland, Ohio Phone Fax Cell CES Technologies and Related Services iSOC Technology Gas infusion Down well isoc technology Above or below grade G-Pro units NAPL Recovery EOS Remediation EOS® (oil reductive dechlorination) AquaBupH™ (combined soybean oil-solid pH buffer emulsion) EOx™ (oxygen release compound) Zero valent iron Treatability Studies In-situ and ex-situ remediation Oxidation Sodium Persulfate Sodium & potassium permanganate Hydrogen peroxide Ozone Metals stabilization Cadmium, lead, zinc Arsenic, antimony, selenium Chromium
Craig E. Marlow 8248 Hidden Forest Drive, Holland, Ohio Phone Fax Cell CES Technologies and Related Services Professional Services Electrical engineering (& licensed electricians) Design consultation & assistance (construction, remediation systems and technology related) Environmental Products: Activated Carbon Free Flow Heavy metal treatment reagents Bentonite GSE Synthetic Liners Sodium Bicarbonate Equipment Related Services: Vacuum trucks Truck & trailer mounted pilot test units Truck & trailer mounted NAPL recovery units Remediation systems (rent or purchase) Skid mounted Trailer mounted Shed construction Equipment Injection trailers & assoc. equipment Water treatment equipment Operated excavation equipment
Craig E. Marlow Contracting Services Catskill Remedial Services (Catskill) Landfill and “yellow iron” specialists Chemviron Midwest Remediation equipment, O&M, pilot trailers & vac trucks Orin Remediation Technologies Chemical injection specialists Remediation Technologies inVentures Technology ( iSOC & Gpro gas infusion technology (any gas - including CO2 injection for NAPL recovery) EOS Remediation ( EOS - Emulsified oil substrate for chlorinated contaminants EAS – Magnesium Sulfate for anaerobic treatment of petroleum contaminants EOx – Oxygen release compound for aerobic treatment of contaminants CEMCOR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (CES) 8248 Hidden Forest Drive, Holland, Ohio Phone Fax Cell
Craig E. Marlow Associate Companies and Services Ecological Services Asbestos & mold abatement contracting services Resolution Partners Technical resource & implementation experts for the “complex” sites (excellent teaming partners for those small to medium size companies who do not have the internal technical resources for a specific situations) J Carpenter Environmental Environmental products such as; activated carbon, bentonite, synthetic liners & sodium bicarbonate Marelco Control Systems Electrical engineering for design, consultation, installation & trouble shooting Applied Sciences Technology Ozone treatment CEMCOR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (CES) 8248 Hidden Forest Drive, Holland, Ohio Phone Fax Cell
Craig E. Marlow 8248 Hidden Forest Drive, Holland, Ohio Phone Fax Cell “Offering you the finest environmental contracting services, products & remedial technologies available”