Correction of unclear pronoun reference Day 1 Written in the late 1300's, The Canterbury Tales rank as one of your finest works of literature. Among England's greatest poets, Geoffrey Chaucer stands besides William Shakespeare and John Milton. Correction of unclear pronoun reference Subject and verb agreement Correction of commonly confused words
Day 1 Written in the late 1300's, The Canterbury Tales ranks as one of the world's finest works of literature. Subject and verb agreement Correction of unclear pronoun reference Among England's greatest poets, Geoffrey Chaucer stands beside William Shakespeare and John Milton. Correction of commonly confused words
Day 2 The 24 tales, about 100 less than Chaucer planned, tell of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury England. Each of the pilgrims, who come from society's different classes, tell a tale. Correct use of fewer and less Spelling out numbers through one hundred Subject and verb agreement Use of a comma to separate parts of an address
Spelling out numbers through one hundred Correct use of fewer and less Day 2 The twenty-four tales, about one hundred fewer than Chaucer planned, tell of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury, England. Spelling out numbers through one hundred Correct use of fewer and less Use of a comma to separate parts of an address Each of the pilgrims, who come from society's different classes, tells a tale. Subject and verb agreement
Correct spelling of homophone Day 3 Largely selfeducated, Chaucer served as a soldier before he become the king's special counselor. His wide travels would of lead him to see all classes of society firsthand. Use of hyphen with prefix self- Verb tense compatibility Correct spelling of homophone Correct use of helping verb have
Use of hyphen with prefix self- Correct use of past perfect tense Day 3 Largely self-educated, Chaucer had served as a soldier before he became the king's special counselor. Use of hyphen with prefix self- Correct use of past perfect tense Verb tense compatibility His wide travels would have led him to see all classes of society firsthand. Correct use of helping verb have Correct spelling of homophone
Characterization is the most perfect part of the Canterbury Tales. Day 4 Characterization is the most perfect part of the Canterbury Tales. Using interesting details, Chaucer draws nice portraits of their characters. Correct use of absolute adjective Capitalization of first word in title Use of precise adjective to improve style Pronoun agreement with antecedent
Characterization is the perfect part of The Canterbury Tales. Day 4 Characterization is the perfect part of The Canterbury Tales. Correct use of absolute adjective Capitalization of first word in title Using interesting details, Chaucer draws shrewd and affectionate portraits of his characters. Use of precise adjective to improve style Pronoun agreement with antecedent
Use of adverb to modify adjective Day 5 To fully appreciate Chaucer's rich language and rhymed couplets, you have to read the original middle english. Because this language is real difficult, almost everyone reads modern translations of the tales. Capitalization of name of a language Elimination of split infinitive Use of adverb to modify adjective
Day 5 To appreciate Chaucer's rich language and rhymed couplets fully, you have to read the original Middle English. Elimination of split infinitive Capitalization of name of a language Because this language is really difficult, almost everyone reads modern translations of the tales. Use of adverb to modify adjective