How You Can Make A Great Game Daniel Kline
1.Takeaways: What separates a good game from a great game. Identify what kind of games you want to make. Game development's best practices to help.
There are no Guarantees
(and it'd be really sharp to question everything I'm going to say)
I'm going to talk about a lot of games, including my own. (I love all of them. Any criticism is just to share a point.)
Star Wars: Force Unleashed Diablo 3 Call of Duty: Finest Hour Soldier of Fortune II Mat Hoffman’s Pro BMX II MLB Slugfest 20-03
I haven't done it yet. This is my Plan too.
Good != Great
Good Games...
Great Games...
ἀ ρετή
Option 1
Option 2
ἀ ρετή
not ἀ ρετή
ἀ ρετή
A Great Game is virtuous.
A Great Game is virtuous. It doesn't have to be hard to make.
Is Scrabble the most virtuous game possible about letter combinations?
1.Takeaways: What separates a good game from a great game. Identify what kind of games you want to make. Game development's best practices to help.
Wait...!!! You can't just compare Final Fantasy to Basketball to The Sims... They're totally different. Be Virtuous How? Shoot, you said Halo wasn't so virtuous but it was still great.
Different Kinds of Games
Not platforms...
Different Kinds of Games
Rollercoaster Ico Dragon's Lair Metal Gear Solid Half-Life
Rollercoaster Challenge Ico Street Fighter 2 Dragon's Lair Defender Metal Gear Solid Left 4 Dead Half-Life
Rollercoaster Challenge Experiment Ico Mario Civilization Dragon's Lair Far Cry 2 Metal Gear Solid Half-Life NetHack Street Fighter 2 Defender Left 4 Dead
Rollercoaster Challenge Experiment MoviesSports Toys Roleplaying Games
Rollercoaster Challenge Experiment Civilization Metal Gear Solid Street Fighter 2 ἀ ρετή
Possible Choices Rollercoaster Experiment Challenge
Significant Decisions Rollercoaster Experiment Challenge
Rollercoaster Challenge Experiment Star Wars: Force Unleashed Diablo 3 Civilization Call of Duty: Finest Hour Metal Gear Solid Street Fighter 2 Others?
Rollercoaster Challenge Experiment Pick your genre
Rollercoaster Challenge Experiment Find your style
1.Takeaways: What separates a good game from a great game. Identify what kind of games you want to make. Game development's best practices to help.
Game Development Best Practices
Make something you want someone specific to play
Know your Successful Outcome Experience
Cultivate Virtue; Every Design starts off 700% too large
Experiment First, Great Second, Polished Fourth
(What's Third?)
Playtest, Playtest, Playtest
Join a Community
Make a Mentor
Find a Partner
Don't worry about what you can't do
Use Technology You Know
Work Hard For What You Believe In
Cultivate Eustress
Be Happy
Make Something You Want Someone Specific To Play Know Your Successful Outcome Experience Cultivate Virtue; Every Design Starts Off 700% Too Big Experiment First, Great Second, Polished Fourth Playtest, Playtest, Playtest Join a Community Make a Mentor Find a Partner Don't Worry About What You Can't Do Use Technology You Know Cultivate Eustress Work Hard For What You Believe In Be Happy
We all want you to make your Masterwork. Good Luck.
Questions? slides available at Game Of Design