Seed Research of Oregon Warm Season Grasses Seed Research of Oregon Helen Lucas
Warm SeasonTurfgrass Species Common Name Scientific Name Pollination Ploidy Bermudagrass Cynodon dactylon var. Cross Allotetraploid=36 Couchgrass dactylon Transvaalensis C. transvaalensis Cross Diploid=18 bermudagrass Zoysiagrass Zoysia ssp. Cross Tetraploid = 40 Seashore paspalum Paspalum vaginatum Cross Diploid=20 Bahiagrass Paspalum notatum Apomict Tetraploid = 40 Cross Diploid = 20 St. Augustinegrass Stenotaphrum Cross Diploid = 18 (Buffalograss) secundatum Polyploid = 30
Warm SeasonTurfgrass Species Common Name Scientific Name Pollination Ploidy Centipedegrass Eremochloe ophiuroides Cross Diploid = 18 American Buffalograss Buchloe dactyloides Dioecious 20, 40, 60 Kikuyagrass Pennisetum clandestinum Cross Tetraploid = 36 Saltgrass Distichlis spicata Cross 2n = 36, 40
Warm Season Grass Breeding Less total breeding public and private Primary species couchgrass (bermudagrass), zoysia, buffalograss, seashore paspalum Additional species centipedegrass, St. Augustine, bahiagrass Most improved cultivars are vegetative - increase of single improved plants. Sterile, low seed yields, difficult to process seeds, excellent vegetative growth, uniformity New improvements in seeded types
Bermudagrass Breeding Sterile triploid hybrids between Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon and C. transvaalensis primary varieties USDA Tifton, GA - Tifgreen, Tifway, Tifdwarf, TifSport, TifEagle Winter-hardy Kansas State - Midway, MidIron, Midlawn Improved seeded cultivars - cold-hardiness, spring dead spot resistance, uniformity, speed of germination, leaf spot resistance, color, density, seed yield - Quality approaching vegetative cultivars
Seeding the Future ……. SRO Seeded Bermudagrass Products Yukon (exp. OKS91-11) SR 9554 LaPaloma (exp. SRX 9500) LaPrima Blend – blends are not included in NTEP Our research and development programs are ongoing, screening germplasm that has been collected from around the world, looking for specific traits that are of particular interest to our customers. Our varieties will complete with any of the seeded varieties currently available on the market and quite a few of the vegetatives - not only in quality, but in price as well! Be sure to look at the bermuda variety comparison chart in your binders.
Seeded Turf-Type Bermudas New projects golf or sports fields Renovations – far more acreage existing common, turf-type seeded or vegetative bermuda Entire South - Spring Recovery re-establish bermuda base for better Spring transition We have put a lot of our efforts into improved seeded turf type bermudagrass varieties. Our emphasis has been to select varieties for new projects such as golf or sports fields, renovations on existing seeded or vegetative bermuda and interseeding into existing turf, in order to improve spring transition and recovery.
Seeded Turf-Type Bermudas Southern Bermuda Belt non-uniform appearance of existing bermuda upgrade to improved variety (disease tolerance, color/texture, divot repair, etc.) Spring transition difficulties Transition Zone drought, salt or disease stress on existing rye/blue Winter kill of your existing bermuda variety We have put a lot of our efforts into improved seeded turf type bermudagrass varieties. Our emphasis has been to select varieties for new projects such as golf or sports fields, renovations on existing seeded or vegetative bermuda and interseeding into existing turf, in order to improve spring transition and recovery.
Divot Repair Data Tifway 419 Tifsport
Spring Dead Spot Resistance Critical South AND Transition Yukon & Midlawn Highest resistance Riviera & TifSport Moderate resistance Princess 77 & Tifway Most susceptible As you can see, Spring Dead Spot resistance is a real threat to bermudagrass as well as other turf grasses. Of the bermudas, Yukon and Midlawn hybrid are the most resistance to this, whereas Princess and Tifway are the most susceptable.
Drought Stress Reduced Water Supplies Choose the Right Variety “The most vigorously germinating cultivars under both drought and control conditions were (in decreasing order): YUKON (OKS91-11), Sahara, Mirage, and Pyramid. Four other cultivars exhibited low cumulative germination rates under all conditions: Panama (PST-R63), Savannah (PST-R64), Princess (FMC-77), and Sultan (FMC-8).” Dr. Ken Marcum – Univ. of AZ
Zoysiagrass Breeding Finest textured, highest uniformity in vegetative cultivars - Zoysia japonica, Z. matrella and Z. pacifica Texas A&M University - Reduced water use, cold-hardiness, shade tolerance, improved establishment and recovery Improved seeded cultivars - Z. japonica and Z. sinica have larger seadheads more useful for seed production More uniform than common, use on sports fields and homelawns