Global Safety Labs, Inc. For Levitt-Safety CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 2 Levitt-Safety Ltd Protecting your most valuable asset Your operators. Working in concert with your chosen fire suppression system, Arctic Fire Freeze patented technology has been approved as a primary wetting agent for both in cab, operator egress & equipment suppression.
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 3 GSL Background CEO is former space shuttle commander, with over 900 space hours. COO former Ops. Exec. With DuPont, Kerr McGee Company is privately held, with a commercial/industrial & military side. GSL is an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company. UL rated Listed & Labeled with Southwest Research Institute Company only focuses on Fire Safety—no other divisions dilute mission “Fire Safety at All Times.”
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 4 Agent Benefits ( Arctic Fire-Freeze ™) Ready-to-Use formulas. Freeze protected down to -51˚C. Biodegradable, non-corrosive. Low conductivity. Non-toxic thermal barrier. Prevents re-ignition. Liquid agent sprayed as droplets or a mist. Foaming agent blankets pooled fuel fires. Addresses all angles of “Fire Tetrahedron.” Out-performs: Water, Dry chemical, Halon, AFFF, CO 2, FM-200, Wetting agents. Fire Tetrahedron
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 5 Agent Benefits to Industry ( Arctic Fire-Freeze ™) Can be sprayed directly on Slag Hauler/Loader tires prior to contact with molten hazard, coating/preventing tire ignition…proven 40-50% increased tire life. Liquid agent has ability to rapidly cool molten metals, saving high-dollar equipment and down-time with maintenance/repair costs. Same agent can be used for both inside cab and outside (interior and exterior vehicle suppression). “Human-friendly”…safe for use on/near workers. Non-hazmat/environmentally friendly. No Haz-Mat cleanup required. Saving large amounts of dollars/time in cleanup costs. Current agent accredited with 9 certified life saves. Experience with US slag hauling industry (Levy, MultiServ, etc.) documents no other liquid suppression agent performs as well in terms of rapidly extinguishing/cooling molten/tire/engine fires. Nothing else comes close to Arctic Fire-Freeze performance.
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 6 Comparative Benefits 30 Gallon system is the only system that sprays for 3:00 minutes, and completely extinguishes the fire, not just knock it down till operator escapes. The new Kidde system only has the capacity to spray 90 seconds. Arctic Fire-Freeze™ is agent of choice for Edw. C. Levy. MultiServ UK office to move forward the Arctic Fire- Freeze liquid for tire and in-cab systems worldwide. Harry Boben, MultiServ Director of Safety, Quality, Environmental & Equipment: “Arctic Fire-Freeze is the finest fire suppression agent available to our industry to safely protect employees, prolong tire life and rapidly extinguish fires.”
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 7 Arctic Fire-Freeze™ Executive Summary (2:51)
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 8 Tire Protection Tire extinguishment video (SwRi)
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 9 Agent Comparison
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 10 Agent Comparison
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 11 Direct Spray on Skin
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 12 High Hazard
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 13 Tire Spray Installation
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 14 Moving tire spray
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 15 Pre-treated Tire protection More than seven minutes of tire protection in molten slag pit.
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 16 Engine Fire Spray
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 17 Bulk Arctic Fire-Freeze™ GSL products are purchased as: 5 Gallon pails 55 Gallon drums 250 Gallon totes
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 18 Firefighting Equipment GSL firefighting equipment is purchased as:
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 19 BOTTOM-LINE: Why GSL? Unlike current dry chemical and foam systems, Arctic Fire-Freeze ™ has rapid cooling properties, prevents re-ignition and is non-toxic to humans and biodegradable to the environment. Over eight years of proven past performance in the highly hazardous steel industry, protecting hundreds of plants, with 9 certified lives saved to date. Cost-effective and affordable Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) solution that is flexible, adapting into any platform. Survivability of personnel exponentially increases due to stand-alone and combined system effectiveness of Arctic Fire-Freeze ™.
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 20 In Cab System In event of fire, operator places Spentex hood over head. Actuates Pneumatic actuator to release agent
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 21 IN CAB SYSTEM Nozzle aimed at operator crotch area
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 22 CONT Roof mount nozzle aimed at drivers head area
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 23 In Cab with Hood
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 24 Egress System
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 25 EGRESS Heat shield on all hoses Stored Pressure cylinders
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 26 EGRESS SYSTEM Header nozzle rail, deluges operator egress path
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 27 EGRESS SYSTEM 3-nozzle railing complete with caps
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 28 Egress System
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 29 Egress System
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 30 EGRESS SYSTEM Ladder egress railing
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 31 EGRESS SYSTEM Reverse angle showing nozzle direction.
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 32 EGRESS SYSTEM Back up escape ladder protected as well.
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 33 Egress System
May 12, 2015Confidential & Proprietary Page 34 Egress System Note nozzle orientation upwards