“I Was in Prison and You Visited Me.” Mat 25:36 KAIROS Prison Ministry Michael Unit Tennessee Colony, Tx.
What is KAIROS n Almost a 30 Year old National Prison Ministry n Active in 33 States 270 PRISONS n Active in 40 Prisons in Texas n Active in Local Churches
What Does KAIROS Do? n Sends a “team” of about 65 men and women to prison for 4 days n Ministers to 42 carefully chosen men –KAIROS asks for Inmate Leaders n Negative Leaders as well as positive ones
What Does KAIROS Do? n Presents a Short Course on Christianity –Similar to : n Cursillo n Walk to Emmaus n Tres Dias and Others n Continues with ongoing support –Monthly Saturday Worship and Fellowship –Weekly small group prayer and share
What Does KAIROS Do? n Teaches the inmates about God’s Love n Prepares the finest “Home cooked” meals possible in church kitchens located near the prison
What Is a KAIROS “Team” n The n The team is always led by Christ! n About n About 45 trained laymen and clergy form the “inside “inside team” n About n About 20 members will form an “outside “outside team”
What Does Each Part of the Team Do? n The inside team presents the course to the 42 inmates and ministers individually to the inmates n The “outside team” forms a continuous prayer chain. Prepares the special meals and provides support.
Who Are the 42 Inmates? n KAIROS asks that the men chosen be leaders, or men of influence n The prison chaplain and warden select the inmates based their experience –This generally means negative leaders n Gang leaders n Cult leaders n Strong personalities –Men of a diverse racial and ethnic background
Why Does KAIROS Want Leaders? n The goal is not to just convert a convict into a Christian! –The goal is to create a Christian leader! n someone who can influence others and bring others to Christ and become a missionary seven days a week 24 hours a day –Transform the Prison into the Body of Christ
How Does KAIROS Feed the Inmates? n With a carefully prepared series of “talks” and meditations which educate the inmate and expose him to the Holy Spirit. n Showers the inmate with tangible expressions of god’s love - called agape. n Prepare them the finest food we can. –Lasagna, bar-b-que, pizza, salads, fruits, etc.
What Are These “Talks” n 11 scripted presentations on elements of Christianity –Each talk contains personal examples from the presenter’s life to illustrate the element –Followed by private “family” discussion n A “table family” consists of 6 inmates 2 laymen 1 clergy. Families stay together the whole time n They are based on the successful “three- day” ministries –Walk to Emmaus, Cursillo, Tres Dias, etc.
What Is Agape? n These are tangible evidence of God’s love for the inmate. –Prayers from around the world n People who agree to spend 1/2 in prayer – handwritten letters talking about God’s love for the inmate. n Letters from children and “grandparent types” are especially powerful. –Cookies n More than they can eat (they have to share!) –Handmade posters and place mats
What Can Your Church Do? Total needed twice a year n 65 trained laymen (men and women) n 720 hrs of prayer –We would like 10 people in prayer the whole weekend. Sign up for 1/2 hr slice n 840 place mats (made by children) n 1,000 cookies (baked with prayer!) n 5,000 personal letters (handwritten)
“I Was in Prison and You Visited Me.” Mat 25:36 KAIROSKAIROSKAIROSKAIROS