Content 1. Sales volume 2. Types of Payment 3. Top Products 4. Top Bartenders, Waitresses, Customers 5. Recommendations
Sales by month
Sales by day
Sales by hour
Sales - June Revenue in June – £202,077 (Including VAT); 1% increase relative to May 11; 2% increase relative to Jun 10; If we evaluate sales by day it can be seen that the highest revenues are on weekends while the lowest are on Monday’s; The most successful sales day in June was 06/18 – £11,612, (In May – 05/20 – £10,751.26);
Sales - June 06/19 - was the second highest revenue day this month (£11,540); This proves the intensive marketing campaign was successful and has positively affected revenues; If we observe sales by the hour it can be seen that 21:00 until 01:00 has the highest turnover rate; In June, turnover rate increased relative to May in the period from 22:00 to 24:00 and dropped in the period from 01:00 to 03:00.
Types of Payment
Customers primarily pay with cash (59%); the same as in the previous months; However, credit card payments began to rise in June; 41% (vs May 37%); Moreover, according to the graph ‘’Types of Payment by Day’’, credit card payments have begun to increase in the second part of the month (from 06/15); Overall, payment via credit card has increased by 35% during last three months. It may be time to begin negotiating with the bank about lowering card fee rates.
Top 10 by turnover ProductRevenue Place in top quantity Jameson Whiskey/Cola10, Carlsberg 12oz 9, Red Label 2oz8, Bacardi Black / Cola8, Tuborg 12oz 7, Ballantine's Finest /Cola 7, Captain Morgan Black 3oz 6, Bacardi Gold 2oz 6, Mojito 5, Long Island Ice Tea 5,
Top 10 by quantity ProductRevenue Place in top quantity Carlsberg 12oz1,4292 Jameson Whiskey/Cola1,3951 Red Label 2oz1,3773 Bacardi Gold 2oz9608 CubaLibre93511 Coctail Black Russian Ballantine's Finest /Cola7576 Rum Bacardi Black / Cola7084 Tuborg 12oz6585 Captain Morgan Black 3oz5897
Top 10 by mark-ups ProductMark - up Long Island Ice Tea570% Mojito 535% White Russian 517% Piña Colada 505% Bacardi Black / Cola495% Jameson Whiskey/Cola 495% B % Captain Morgan Black 3oz 456% Tequila Sunrise 445% Jose Cuervo Gold 2oz 437%
Top 10 Products
Top Products According to the top quantity results – Carlsberg 12 oz is the most popular drink; JamesonWhiskey/Cola takes second place, However, due to its relatively low price, in the top revenue producers, Carlsberg 12oz takes second place, while the leader is Jameson Whiskey/Cola (7.9% from total revenue); Long Island Ice Tea takes a high ranking in the top revenue chart, however this is due to its high price relatively to the other products; in top quantity it takes only 20th place. The Top Mark-up is lead by Alcoholic Cocktails; Long Island has the highest mark–up of those.
Top Category (by revenue) CategoryRevenue Place in Top quantity Alcoholic cocktails29, Whiskey21, Beer17, Rum11, Soft drinks8, Tequila6, Energy drinks6, Champagne5, Juice5, Non-alcoholic cocktails4,
Top Category (by quantity) Category Quantity (units) Place in top revenue Whiskey3,5712 Beer3,1063 Alcoholic cocktails2,7121 Rum2,0374 Tequila1,5916 Champagne9608 Soft drinks8965 Energy drinks6667 Non-alcoholic Coctails65310 Juices6309
Top 10 by mark-ups ProductMark - up Alcoholic Cocktails495% Soft drinks 485% Juice 485% Whiskey 481% Wine475% Champagne 462% Non-alcoholic cocktails 454% Rum451% Tequilas442% Lemonade435%435%
Category top (by revenue)
10 worst categories CategoryRevenuePlace in top quantity Bottled Water Gin Coffee Brandy Absinth Tea Wines Vermouth Liqueur Hot chocolate
Top Categories As in May, the leader in the top revenue producers are Alcoholic Cocktails (Increase in revenue from May is 7%); However, this month, on average, more expensive Alcoholic Cocktails were sold, therefore the category had higher average price. That’s the reason the category was able to lead in the top revenue spot even though it took only third place in top quantity in May – second place; The leader in top quantity is Whiskey; Several alcoholic drinks are not very popular, as well as; tea, coffee and bottled water; Alcoholic Cocktails category has the highest mark-up of all categories.
Top Bartenders BartenderRevenue Working days Average per working day 1.Ann10, Julia9, Linda7, John8, Emily8, Kate8, Patty6, Valerie6, Victoria6,
Top Waitresses Waitress Revenue Working days Average per working day 1Beatrice Sarah Anna Vanessa1, Tracy Natalie Margaret Dominica
Top Customers Customer Revenue 1.Bruce John Adrian Valerie Karen Julia Alton Craig Victoria Charles
Top Sellers and Customers The top bartender is Ann again in first place. She has the highest average revenue per working day; However, Linda is getting better and better results, and this month she is already in third place; In the top waitress category the leader is Beatrice, despite the fact that she is new and has worked only one day this month;
Sarah’s performance this month is also very good and she is in second place in the run for top waitress; Dominica is not doing so well again; Among customers, Gold Loyalty customer Bruce is in first place; Adrian and Valerie visited Glamour Club very often for the 3 rd month in a row and they move up in the top customer category. It may be time to make them Gold Loyalty members. Top Sellers and Customers
Conclusions Revenue in June – £54,589; 06/18 – 06/19 – was the highest revenue period this month, so the intensive marketing campaign in the period 06/16 – 06/18 was successful and has positively affected revenues; Clients usually pay with cash, however, credit card payments are rapidly increasing; So it seems to be time to negotiate with the bank about lowering card fees;
As in May, the top revenue producers are alcoholic cocktails; Alcoholic cocktails; also have the highest mark-ups; However, the total revenue for this product group increased by 7%; In top bartenders, Ann again takes first place; Conclusions
Linda is showing better and better results, and this month she is already in third place; Beatrice performed very well on her first working day, and is the first place waitress, while Dominica performed poorly again; Among customers, Bruce is again in first place; Adrian and Valerie move up in the top customer category. It may be time to make them Gold Loyalty members. Conclusions
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