Look over yesterday’s notes to review for today’s EXIT QUIZ. How did the King Philip’s War get its name? Although at first the Indians were winning the war, the tide eventually shifted. Why? What did the Indians in New England have to give up as a result of their loss? Why was Rhode Island established? Who was attracted to the new territory?
Have you known anyone who believed so strongly in something that he or she would defy family and society to pursue his or her beliefs?What might be the costs and benefits of such defiance? -Believed in: -WHY? COSTBENEFIT
SSUSH1: SWBAT describe European settlement in North America during the 17 th century Objective: Explain the development of the mid-Atlantic colonies Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam & English takeover Settlement of Pennsylvania
What were the characteristics of the Middle Colonies?
Built New Amsterdam at the tip of the Manhattan Island in 1625 to protect permanent settlement Finest harbor = largest town, major seaport, government headquarters
Governor & advisory council appointed by Dutch West India Company No elected assembly Tolerated various religious groups, including Jews Diverse group of colonists Came in families, not as young unmarried men
Dutch colony attracted few immigrants PUSH & PULL factors: Push stronger in England than in Netherlands Economy in the Netherlands (home) was booming with a high standard of living No roaming poor Tolerant; no dissatisfied religious minority
Think of and jot down a PUSH factor that would attract people to Atlanta Think of and jot down a PULL factor that would encourage people to leave Atlanta Why do you live in Atlanta? If you could choose to do so, would you leave Atlanta? Why?
King Charles of England granted his brother, James, Duke of York, vast American territories that included all of New Netherland James immediately sent a small fleet With no defense, Dutch leaders were forced to surrender the colony September 1664 = New York
Began as a debt payment to William Penn by King Charles II Quaker faith = radical form of Protestantism Tradespeople, shopkeepers, and small farmers who did not trust rich and powerful men England generally despised the Quakers Quakers were often persecuted for their way of life
Sought an “Inner Light” to understand Bible Considered women spiritually equal to men Pacifists = did not bear arms Tolerant of other faiths
Penn arrived in 1682 with 2000 colonists Established Philadelphia as capital (City of Brotherly Love) Temperate climate, fertile soil, navigable river Peace with local Indians Penn treated them with respect and paid fair prices for their land Established a legislative assembly
Why do you think Penn choose to be friendly and respectful to Native Americans? What are some benefits of a positive relationship with Native Americans?
Arrive in the New World and settle with you and your family in New Netherland or Pennsylvania? Complete a pro/con table for each colony Include 3 examples for each side After your table is complete, pick a colony to settle in and make sure you can DEFEND your selection – why do you choose to live there? What would be some of the cons to your choice? Group Share
New Amsterdam PROCON Pennsylvania PROCON
How did William Penn succeed in achieving his goals for Pennsylvania, and how did he fail? Explain Think About Penn’s actions toward Native Americans Penn’s plans for representative government and freedom of religion Religious rights for women
1. Identify one characteristics of New Amsterdam’s government. 2. Why were PUSH factors from the Netherlands not strong? 3. Why did the Dutch give up New Amsterdam to the English? 4. Who were the Quakers? What ideas did the Quakers support? 5. Identify one reason why colonists in Pennsylvania prospered.