History: Since independence, investment in housing in Kwale County has been very minimal and the industry has grown at a very low pace. This was brought about by scarcity in the need for quality housing since demand was very low. Most of the middle class working in the County preferred live and commute daily from Mombasa town. This proves that the demand for quality residential housing is still very high thus an opportunity for further investments in the housing sector
Why invest in the real estate sector in Kwale? The extractive industry The discovery of minerals within the county like titanium, Niobium and prospects of discovering gas and oil in Kwale coastline has seen big companies set up base in the county. Devolution Devolution which has seen many people employed in the County thus increase the residential housing demand for the civil servants. Foreign and domestic tourism South coast beach line is known to be one of the finest beaches and this has seen tremendous growth not only in the number of foreign tourist but also the domestic tourism sector. Furthermore, the pleasant climate, scenic sites and friendly people presents the county as an ideal location for holiday homes and in the hotel business. Upcoming development projects Upcoming developments such as the Dongo Kundu bypass, the standard gauge railway, the Mombasa duty free port, the proposed Shimoni port and the improvement of road network across the county, more companies will establish themselves in the county for easy access to the Mombasa/Nairobi highway, the ports and Tanzania.
Opportunities: residential houses, office space, Entertainment centers like children parks, restaurants, cinema theatres. Educational institutions like kindergartens, tertiary and technical academic centers. Shopping malls Health centers Car parks
Facilitation: As a county, we are undertaking several steps to make the housing sector more investor friendly. They include: Development of spatial plans for all the townships in the County to regulate developments. Low rates for approval of building plans as compared to other counties. This is proven in our financial bill which is very investor friendly as compared to other counties. Guaranteed period of seven (7) working days for approval of building plans.
Conclusion: We feel that these steps make Kwale County more competitive and provides an untapped opportunity for investment in this sector. Finally, Kwale County welcomes all of you to invest in the housing sector and we assure you all of our support to make sure that your investment is not in vain.