mahAlakshmi The Goddess shri or lakshmi, depicted in the Vedas, is the goddess of wealth and fortune, power and beauty. According to the purANAs, she was the daughter of the sage bhrigu and his wife khyAti. Thus, her many names include bhArgavi. The bhAgavata purANA states that she was born out of the ksheera saagara (milk ocean) while it was being churned. Hence, she is also called ksheera samudra rAja tanaya or ksheerAbdi kanya. As the consort of Vishnu, she is born as his spouse whenever he incarnates. When Vishnu appeared as vAmana, parashurAma, rAma, or krishNa, she appeared as padma or kamala, dharani, sIta and rukmiNi, respectively. She is as inseparable from vishNu as speech from meaning, or knowledge from intellect, or good deeds from righteousness. mahAlakshmi According to vishNu purANA, Vishnu represents all that is male and Lakshmi, all that is female. She is said to have four arms, carrying the lotus (padma), conch (shankha), pot of nectar (amruta kalasha) and the bilva fruit. These items represent the four-fold goals of human life (chatur-vida purushArthas): dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth), kAma (bodily pleasures), mOksha (beatitude). In the shrI vaishnavA tradition, she is the definitive Mother Goddess. According to mArkaNdEya purANA, she is an aspect of Goddess durgA. As durgA mahAlakshmi, she is depicted with eight arms: in addition to the aforementioned four items, she holds the bow and arrow, the mace and discus – in this form, she represents righteous action. mahAlakshmi Goddess Lakshmi is described as “lotus-eyed, lotus- colored, and decked with lotus garlands.” –The lotuses (in various stages of blooming), represent the worlds and beings in various stages of evolution. Lakshmi is therefore described as jaganmAta (mother of the universe) supporting the entire universe. –The lotuses also represent the various chakras in the subtle human body, the fully open lotus representing bliss consciousness. Thus, mahAlakshmi is the bestower of wisdom and holds the keys to transcendental life. Goddess Lakshmi Lotus shlOkam namastEstu mahAmAyE shrIpItE surapUjitE shankha chakra gadA hastE mahAlakshmi namOstutE | O mahAmAyA, abode of fortune, worshipped by the Gods, I salute Thee. O MahAlakshmi, one who has conch, disc and mace in Her hands, obeisance to Thee. Bajan bhajEham bhajEham mahAlakshmIm bhajEham! [I praise/worship Goddess MahAlakshmi] kshIrAbdhi kanyAm kamalA nilayAm –bhajEham bhajEham [(I praise) the daughter of the milk ocean (and) the Goddess whose abode is the Lotus] jaganmAtA(m) mahAshaktIm; mukunda priya mOksha dhAyinIm – bhajEham bhajEham [(I praise/worship) the mother of the universe and the great Power; and (one who is) Lord Mukunda’s favorite and the grantor of Realization]