Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Babylon By Rachel Allen.


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Presentation transcript:

Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Babylon By Rachel Allen

Life for the Gods They lived life thinking that every single happened to show God’s pleasure or displeasure. Ancient Sumerian Gods spoke and entirely different language but still believed in the same Gods.

Who are some Gods? Some Gods are…. Anshar Anu Apsu Damkina Ea Enlil Ishtar Kishar Marduk Mummu m/cs/egypt/a/babygodsindex. htm Learn more at…

Kishar Babylonian Goddess Daughter of Lahamu and Lahmu Sister and wife of Anshar Mother of Anu Goddess of Earth

Marduk’s Family Tree Ea Damkina Marduk Nabu

All Gods and Goddesses are the God of something. For example…. Kishar is the Goddess Earth Enlil is the God of the Air Nintu is the Goddess of Childbirth Ishtar is the Goddess of Love and War

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Citations "Who Is God?" The Gospel Matters « Theology for Everyday Life. Web. 03 Oct "Tiamat, Babylonian Goddess of the Primeval Saltwater Sea | Goddess A Day." Goddess A Day - My Quest for the Ten Thousand Names of the Goddess. Web. 03 Oct Gill, N. S. "Babylonian Gods and Goddesses - Who Are the Babylonian Gods and Goddesses." Ancient / Classical History - Ancient Greece & Rome & Classics Research Guide. Web. 03 Oct "Kishar, Babylonian Goddess of the Earth | Goddess A Day." Goddess A Day - My Quest for the Ten Thousand Names of the Goddess. 12 Jan Web. 03 Oct "Marduk." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 04 Oct